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Everything posted by Azrael

  1. I think this can be closed after this statement.
  2. Reminds of Eod being a minigolf clan. Coincidence that Mafia was a rank in that clan? I think not. Congrats, but you have the host advantage all the time and your connection blows.
  3. It seems people do not understand the concept of 1-20 defence. If you have someone with 21 defence, you are not 1-20 defence. If that person was 20 defence and got 21 defence in your clan, you are still not 1-20 defence. Regardless of how long that person was in your clan, you are still not 1-20 defence. I know it's pretty hard to understand, but you'll get the hang of it eventually. Anyway, I'm pretty sure only a select few low level clans would be. I know Interitus is only 1-13.
  4. Added to 9998 access, welcome home.
  5. 'Cause we're the best...around! No one's ever gonna bring us down! 'Cause we're the best...around!
  6. Pretty cool, too bad I can't wear any of the skilling ones.
  7. This ^ Only way to know is to be in ever clan and hear all of their callers. We could ask that JD guy, I'm sure he fits the criteria.
  8. lol'd lol'd proof You know it's true, your leaders have admitted it on multiple occasions. You guys have an open alliance, not like it's unexpected. You can lie on Pw all you want, you deserve everything you have coming.
  9. Awesome. I'm going to assume you're not American. If you had to deal with the 9/11 attacks then you would be celebrating just the same. It's a victory to us, and I'm sure most of us don't care what you think. This was personal and we're thrilled about it. You do understand that with a great likelihood mr. Bin Laden had nada to do with those horrible events? He was never even officially prosecuted for 9/11 because there wasn't enough evidence of his participation. Yet he was a wanted terrorist, one that could be thrown to the media so that people could direct their hatred towards something specific. Osama bin Laden was nothing, until you made him into something that he wasn't. Undoubtedly the world is a better place with him gone, but murdering someone without a trial or evidence is against some very basic human ethics. Sorry to be a kill-joy. It really isn't that likely. It's also hard to put a man on trial when him and his followers are shooting at you. You sound like those whack-job Loose Change people who claim it was an inside job based on things that were repeatedly proven wrong. Honestly, I'm just glad I don't have to hear about the royal wedding on tv anymore.
  10. Didn't know you guys reopened, glad to see you back. Good job beating down everyone.
  11. He was a rank in Ascendency. He was a fantastic tank as well.
  12. Looked fun. Sucks about the cheating.
  13. Pulling ~45% of your clan is some intense commitment. You act like Mm has never ran from Foe for hours before, you act like Mm has never crashed Foe before, you act like MM and Hf didn't start the teaming, you act like Mm never posts fake topics, you act like you'll actually do anything different than what you are doing now. You most likely aren't going to do anything but flame on Pw and get about 0 fights every weekend. Eop and Foe will fight each other out-opted because they both know the other clan won't call a bunch of zerkers and tanks when they start losing (or even when they aren't losing) and claim a win. So, good luck with your little fire. I'm sure while Mm is roasting marshmallows, Foe and Eop will be having fun.
  14. A lot of topics for RvB. There was also the pure playoffs thing, but I don't think that ended up going too well.
  15. I knew I was special.
  16. 30 minute prep topic before the actual fight. What?
  17. You are the epitome of hypocrisy. http://www.pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15122 Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Anyway, ddosing clans just so you can win probably means that you shouldn't be competing with that clan in the first place. Also, why should p0ke need proof when he can do something about it?
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