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Everything posted by RcMario

  1. mm just lost to cp in a p2p prep, and are 0-4 in preps this week, why do mm kids still talk?????
  2. dw so will i of pure joy when i finally get the chance to read a weekend topic from u shown in every prep mm's quality of members are worst than me playing with my eyes closed and 1 hand tied behind my back
  3. o look MM is 0-2 in matched preps this week, not surprised at all and 0-1 with higher opts
  4. you mean fi we 3-0d havoc without ts last week Gj havoc, prep us we won't flame i promise! You also pulled 10 to a prep vs CP this week, therefor causing you to cancel m8 what i think we pulled 25 slumped by mm in 1 weekend 0-2 for preps this week and it's not even that halo 4 + black ops 2 have come out this week, i don't think anyone wants to play rs when those just came out u bum i keep forgetting ppl in MM only play runescape
  5. you mean fi we 3-0d havoc without ts last week Gj havoc, prep us we won't flame i promise! You also pulled 10 to a prep vs CP this week, therefor causing you to cancel m8 what i think we pulled 25
  6. you mean fi we 3-0d havoc without ts last week Gj havoc, prep us we won't flame i promise!
  7. are u mad because ur clan got ripped this week?? :whistling: AR00000000000000000000000000000000 no he's mad he lost to us in PCT matched p2p dont forget f2p also the better clan knocked the other out lelelel i believe we won 2-1 until you cried about 1 dspear to have a redo and then in f2p our ts got ddso'd round 3, when it was 1-1 keep trying but MM is the worst clan matched opts we will see another 3-0,2-1 tomorrow for havoc let's not ruin foe's topic with quote towers, so i won't be replying back btw GJ foe
  8. shown once again in p2p MM is only opts gj foe
  9. p2p 1. TLp 2 Fi 3. FOe 4. MM no one cares about f2p it shows no skill
  10. people are leaving your clan to join new clans like hazard because of your inactivity lol Meh, if you can't beat Fi starve them lol. Now i know how Foe felt in early 09 :( People didn't fight FOE out of fear of losing, nobody wants to fight you because you're ***** who need to get a reality check didnt we beat havoc 3-0 with no teamspeak like last week? Yah that's in the past, we've also beat FI 40v47/9 twice in the same PCL before and crushed 3-0 in multiple preps + won even more fights out opt vs FI 40v45+, but let's talk about what we got going for us now: Havoc getting and winning a lot of preps, Fatality getting nothing and losing a lot of members What are you going to bring up now? See you Sunday? Will you have anyone left by then? I don't know why I'm even replying to you, you're not even Fatality lol you're on the waiting list to leave too #retard
  11. people are leaving your clan to join new clans like hazard because of your inactivity lol Meh, if you can't beat Fi starve them lol. Now i know how Foe felt in early 09 :( People didn't fight FOE out of fear of losing, nobody wants to fight you because you're ***** who need to get a reality check didnt we beat havoc 3-0 with no teamspeak like last week?
  12. should have been obvious to Fi that you were trolling. No offence but No1 preps Fi anymore because they're on another level...well done to them tbh it's kinda obvious now you can stop :D ROfl gj quoting hotkeying from foe forums, can't even think for yourself lmao.. Seems like mostly everyone here believes us :O however on your Sunday topic. Nobody is believing that except for fi lol. You starving bro? Pls don't chase our stragglers and then follow us to clw bro pls we're already shaking in our climbing boots! na i just found that quote to be true so i used it idiot :D ps; to the idiots bring up the past, nonstop like it means anything refer to my post 3 pages ago down below i love how people bring up the past, when it has nothing to do with the future or present who's #1? Fi who is slumping right NOW? foe cya this weekend (proby not cause you wanna "starve us" ) Probably not because you can't catch us apparently, haven't seen you for 2 weeks. it may be cause MM destroys you and gives u a 30-210 KDR LOL try to beat the baby pures before you mess with the top dogs
  13. should have been obvious to Fi that you were trolling. No offence but No1 preps Fi anymore because they're on another level...well done to them tbh it's kinda obvious now you can stop :D ROfl gj quoting hotkeying from foe forums, can't even think for yourself lmao.. Seems like mostly everyone here believes us :O however on your Sunday topic. Nobody is believing that except for fi lol. You starving bro? Pls don't chase our stragglers and then follow us to clw bro pls we're already shaking in our climbing boots! na i just found that quote to be true so i used it idiot :D ps; to the idiots bring up the past, nonstop like it means anything refer to my post 3 pages ago down below i love how people bring up the past, when it has nothing to do with the future or present who's #1? Fi who is slumping right NOW? foe cya this weekend (proby not cause you wanna "starve us" )
  14. should have been obvious to Fi that you were trolling. No offence but No1 preps Fi anymore because they're on another level...well done to them tbh it's kinda obvious now you can stop :D On another level without having any action for 3 weeks now. YEEEEEEEEEAH WE LEVEL UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP action always doesn't mean being on the next level. Fi used to be a clan that Foe/MM would go to for action cause Fi was the weak link now Fi is the clan going after MM/Foe for the action now because Fi is the stronger link that's another level :D
  15. should have been obvious to Fi that you were trolling. No offence but No1 preps Fi anymore because they're on another level...well done to them tbh it's kinda obvious now you can stop :D
  16. people are leaving your clan to join new clans like hazard because of your inactivity lol people is usually used when it's more then one* i think you meant "person" aka 014 but whatever you say I think you meant *more than one* Lol FU :thumbsup:
  17. people are leaving your clan to join new clans like hazard because of your inactivity lol people is usually used when it's more then one* i think you meant "person" aka 014 but whatever you say
  18. i love how people bring up the past, when it has nothing to do with the future or present who's #1? Fi who is slumping right NOW? foe cya this weekend (proby not cause you wanna "starve us" )
  19. I completely agree MM **** clan l2adapt not even that, FI has been in the pure community for years, and if you wanna calm #1 clan in the pure world you gotta beat Fi, which mm hasn't done in weeks MM always talks about how they can beat 30 def clans by pulling more than them, so let's see it happen! MM has shown this weekend they can beat foe/z/tlp/foe but not Fi, it says something I'm pretty sure other clans are greater than FI. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're forgetting about the 99 def pures too. If you want to claim number #1 pure clan then take a look at RSC. It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll. pure clans buddy, obv mm kid who flames nonstop so he needs to make different accs to post stupid **** like this you're a turmoil clan, different from MM. The term pure doesn't mean anything, now a days anything is pure. You guys just want to cut it off at 40 defense because it makes you feel special, and because you can't compete with those above you. It's similar to med level clans claiming '#1'... it's divisions of clans inside of divisions... And this isn't a second account lol. But anyways I'm done debating this. Think what you want to think, but know the difference between the two clans. I'm just gonna leave your topic in peace now. Have a nice day :). everyone in this community is a turmoil clan except mm implying that 25 def is a pure!, which MM has turm >> 28 def or 29 def not completely sure mm >> 25 def
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