After our successful F2P fullout on Friday, and our fearless performance yesterday against the odds, we set out today peaking 95 seeking a feast, and that is exactly what we received. Regardless of an anonymous rival clan hitting our team speak off throughout the trip, we managed to get the job done and prove that when the other clan is of such poor quality, we don't even need audio to take the win with ease. Thanks for the loot and lulz today MM.
Video is Proof of ALL.
..::Coming Soon::..
Eruption of Pures vs Final Ownage Elite vs Mayhem Makers
Eruption of Pures Starting: 90
Final Ownage Elite Starting: 90
Mayhem Makers Starting: 125
With us and FOE having similar opts, we decided to set up a run-in. After each clan making our preparations, the Makers of Mayhem rushed in. This didn't discourage either clan, resulting in an epic 3-way battle with Mm sandwiched in the middle with random HF members running around everywhere. Since Mm rushed (down from Bh stairs?) as us and Foe were rushing they instantly got sandwiched / clumped in the trees>. Not to mention our TS was off and on through the whole fight. With MM cleared, we took our inventories of loot back to edge, thanks for the fight :)
Eruption of Pures Ending: 65 walking down to edge.
Final Ownage Elite Ending: No clue where they went or how many they had left. I'm going to say 70~
Mayhem Makers Ending: 0 on the battlefield
Eruption of Pures vs Final Ownage Elite vs Mayhem Makers Single War
Eruption of Pures Starting: 90
Mayhem Makers Starting: 130~
Final Ownage Elite Starting:90~
Once again our teamspeak was hit, and by pure coincidence, MM came rushing in moments later. Fortunately we were in single, which as MM learned last saturday, isn't a very good place for them to try fight us. FOE also showed up for this single fest, which i'm sure was fun for all parties involved. Unfortunately as usual there had to be a loser, and as usual this loser was MM. Once we'd picked up our lewts, we chuckled our way to the bank, as for the second time today MM had tried and failed.
Eruption of Pures Ending: 50 Eop spread through lvl 10-17
Final Ownage Elite Ending: 75~
Mayhem Makers Ending: 10~
Thanks for the great fight today Foe, and i hope you enjoyed the pink feast as much as we did today. You want to complain about teaming MM? Try not crashing our fights and we'll let you end your trips with some return sets intact.
No TS? No Problem.
At least he lived:]
Interested in joining the #1 pure clan?