IRC Channel: #dpures
Clan Chat: Raza
Today has marked the return of DP. We've had a bunch of app's role in this past week, and not to mention the end of exams for all of the leadership. This marked a boost in activity for DP leading us to peak at 65 today. We set off expecting a good trip and that what exactly what we got. Except for the EOP crashing most of the fights DP had, DP has had a wonderful trip.
(Pictures at bottom of page)
Since IR have crashed all of our fights and then end up running, we wanted revenge. We hit them several times at clan wars to teach them a lesson; what goes around comes around. Sorry to chaotic if we hit you, it was meant for IR.
Destructive Pures: 60 |►| Ending: 60
Intense Redemption: ?? |►| Ending: 0 outside of safe zone
After having a little feast, we got a planned fight verses CP. We wanted to continue the fights we had the previous week since they could not be completed due to EOP crashing. The fight was arranged at hill giants hut where DP were defending. CP eventually rushed us and the fight had begun. DP had quickly taken control of the fight and managed to push CP with ease. The fight shifted from the hills hut straight to the lips of single by east drags. Just before DP could bring out the finisher, EOP decided to crash again! Pathetic on their part.
Destructive Pures: 65 |►| Ending: 55
Corrupt Pures: 65 |►| Ending: 41(confirmed)
Right after a quick regroup, we set out to find CP again and finish the fight. As we were searching, FOE wanted a PKRI earlier but we could not accept due to the fight vs CP, so we asked FOE for a fight then. They gladly accepted not knowing what was to come. With good listening and organization skills, we managed to clear FOE with ease from the chaos dwarves all the way down to clan wars. Thanks for the good fight FOE.
Destructive Pures: 60 |►| Ending: 35-40
Final Ownage Elite: 60 |►| Ending: 0
Right now, it had been a while since we got to fight FI. DP who were now almost at the 2 hour mark decided to fight FI and so we asked for a PKRI which FI accepted. We quickly went to the ruins north of graveyard and DD'd waiting for FI. After a good 10 minutes, FI finally rushed and had to face DP. It was a good fight even on both sides before EOP decided to crash once again! It seemed as DP were winning the fight, but since there was no clear winner DP will not claim the win.
Destructive Pures: 55 |►| Ending: 40
Fatality: 55 |►| Ending: 35-40