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Forty Lashes
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Everything posted by Forty Lashes
Rune pures belong in rune pure clans... I am not a rune pure... and I have no plans to become melee based so my combat will be too low to join any reputable rune pure clan. I'm not claiming to be a pure, what I am claiming is that I'm more pure than 2 def. 10 def, or any other of the crap builds pure clans let in because people screwed up their 1 def pure. My account isn't a product of a mistake - it's built based on what is statistically best and most effective. Defence any lower is missing out on bonuses and is extremely vulnerable, defense any higher loses offensive power. You can say what you want, but +34 defence levels for +5 strength bonus doesn't seem like the ideal trade-off Max strength bonus for 1 def with dscim is 97, max strength bonus for 35 def is 118, 106 without pvp (however if you're in firecape/zerker (i) it's practical to be in full vesta/stat). Needless to mention the attack/def bonus difference, and obvious other attack advantages with higher defence such as mystic, snakeskin, etc.
Rune pures belong in rune pure clans... I am not a rune pure... and I have no plans to become melee based so my combat will be too low to join any reputable rune pure clan. I'm not claiming to be a pure, what I am claiming is that I'm more pure than 2 def. 10 def, or any other of the crap builds pure clans let in because people screwed up their 1 def pure. My account isn't a product of a mistake - it's built based on what is statistically best and most effective. Defence any lower is missing out on bonuses and is extremely vulnerable, defense any higher loses offensive power.
You're a terrible troll. Bgloves > handcannon and turmoil sucks. here's a FAQ I wrote because I get tired of explaining it. Sit. You're a terrible troll. Bgloves > handcannon and turmoil sucks. here's a FAQ I wrote because I get tired of explaining it. Sit. Wrong. Best way to beat turmoil pkers is to have turmoil. I max at 550 w/o spec with AGS and max with ags spec is 780, also I'm not even 99str. Once again don't give us some bullshÃt that 35 defence is pure, its way closer to being zerker than an actually 'pure' account. It only in my favour if the kid I'm fighting is high str or/and att, means I'll hit higher and more offend. Chaotic is something any turmoil pker can get and as a zerker with turmoil can more or less rape kids with chaotic and no turmoil. How can you even talk about turmoil when you don't have it yourself? Its same as saying 'Movie A is bad' although I never watched it and I know 100% that 'Movie B is better' oh btw I haven't watched movie b either. So your point on how those statistics are wrong is that you can pk someone with an ags spec? congrats? You're not 60 attack are you? you max at a way higher combat... I haven't had turmoil? Turmoil is the reason I quit my zerker for good - biggest waste of combats and money I've ever made - there is an improvement in hits - but not 6-10 combats worth of improvement.. 112 combat is too high to be effective with 45 def. 80 99 75 with augury/piety/rigour will rip off your head and **** down your neck... can outbrid 45 def hands down - you're an idiot if you question it, and all the turmoil in the world isn't going to improve your hits through a divine. Like you said you can spec high - hero specs are what get you kills - when someone can tank your hero spec - what next? keep hitting with inferior accuracy? hope you realize only idiots get 99 attack on any account that is going to be used for pvp activities, as it ruins your account with worthless combat lvls way more than turmoil supposedly ruined it. turm zerks with 80 attack max at 105-6, which were the same combat as your zerk before you got turm. so 80 attack turm zerk vs 99 attack with 45/52 pray. hm. whos gonna win that. obviously if youre 112 combat youre going to be **** on considering 80 99 70 with 95 pray is also 112 cb. that's why you dont get useless attack levels. and in that comparison thing dont go +1? only weap u mentioned for 60 attack is d scim no claws or anything. all the weaps you mentioned for 80 attack are all +1 items besides maybe korasi sword which hits less than the 60 att turm and is worthless without spec (spec leech). so 80 attack is good if never step out of +1,whereas 60 attack turm can be effective anywhere. There will always be superior accuracy and combos on accounts with 45 prayer no turmoil, in most cases superior hits as well. Korasi sword worthless eh? well at 105 combat you're going to have alot of fun with 80 attack, a dscim/k sword, and turmoil versus a tank with 99 def and possibly 300+ defense bonus in non +1. Anything that you do manage to hit will be venged right back at you, along with the constant 300+ hits on your low def. Meanwhile the kid who trained attack is comboing the daylights out of you both using whip. To even claim chaotic in non +1 would null your debate... if only you had that maul now.
what does 77 strength hit with turmoil?
double post my bad
2 defence isn't pure and it's accepted into pure clans, neither is 10. 13. 20, 25, or 30 - I got 35 def for the biggest advance in strength levels per combat gained; I didn't make a mistake and get def on accident - mistakes are impurities - I got defence seeking higher offense with less vulnerability - to make a more effective pker. To allow one unpure account in a pure clan is to allow another. along with versatile armour with stats similar to void that I can hybrid in without penalty; agile has proved it's self worth the defence, I have an account that does well on zerkers, pures, tanks, mains, and anything else my combat level. So perhaps I'm not pure, but neither are 90% of the accounts pure clans accept, at least I made a more effective account that still has low def and keeps a lower combat. Sorry Tom to add more senseless spam to your topic but uh..... Forty lashes if you just admitted that 2 def isnt pure, why the hell are you trying to argue that your 35 or w/e is? You just shoved your own foot down your throat. Or are you saying the clan that accepted you isn't a pure clan? Either way you are holding a senseless and uphill battle my friend. No, I'm saying to call my account impure is to call FOE, MM, TLP, and every other pure clan that allows over 1 defence into their clan impure. I got defence for the largest leap in strength bonus per combat... that is more pure than 2, 5, or 10 defence which is accepted. What do you get 10 def for? Because you screwed up? Slayer helm? That's defensive. Blah so lets allow Zerks also, since they get more bonuses? Pointless argument. Zerker pures belong in zerker clans, I am not a zerker. I do not wish for 3 combat levels for 1 strength bonus, thats barely a hit difference.
2 defence isn't pure and it's accepted into pure clans, neither is 10. 13. 20, 25, or 30 - I got 35 def for the biggest advance in strength levels per combat gained; I didn't make a mistake and get def on accident - mistakes are impurities - I got defence seeking higher offense with less vulnerability - to make a more effective pker. To allow one unpure account in a pure clan is to allow another. along with versatile armour with stats similar to void that I can hybrid in without penalty; agile has proved it's self worth the defence, I have an account that does well on zerkers, pures, tanks, mains, and anything else my combat level. So perhaps I'm not pure, but neither are 90% of the accounts pure clans accept, at least I made a more effective account that still has low def and keeps a lower combat. Sorry Tom to add more senseless spam to your topic but uh..... Forty lashes if you just admitted that 2 def isnt pure, why the hell are you trying to argue that your 35 or w/e is? You just shoved your own foot down your throat. Or are you saying the clan that accepted you isn't a pure clan? Either way you are holding a senseless and uphill battle my friend. No, I'm saying to call my account impure is to call FOE, MM, TLP, and every other pure clan that allows over 1 defence into their clan impure. I got defence for the largest leap in strength bonus per combat... that is more pure than 2, 5, or 10 defence which is accepted. What do you get 10 def for? Because you screwed up? Slayer helm? That's defensive.
Owns me again? Name one thing he's said I haven't made a rebuttle to? And no my zerker didn't get owned, I had max bonus with imbued rings - the account was more effective at 106 combat than it was at 112. The 5 hits I gained from 6 combats didn't compensate for the loss of accuracy that came with it from fighting accounts with higher defence. From a hybriding perspective there was little to no difference between the two. I was accepted into ch cause I was 80 combat with 99 range, chaotic staff, barrows gloves, arcane stream, and near maxed bonus (needed imbued rings)... pure's max at 78 combat with 99 range 99 hp... more than worth 2 combat levels. Lunars would be unpure - I have no use for vengeance since I hybrid 99.9% of the time. Vengeance would be extranious and therefore unpure because it's something I don't need - even if I was 40 defence. Got anything else to say?
2 defence isn't pure and it's accepted into pure clans, neither is 10. 13. 20, 25, or 30 - I got 35 def for the biggest advance in strength levels per combat gained; I didn't make a mistake and get def on accident - mistakes are impurities - I got defence seeking higher offense with less vulnerability - to make a more effective pker. along with versatile armour with stats similar to void that I can hybrid in without penalty in attack bonus; agile has proved it's self worth the defence, I have an account that does well on zerkers, pures, tanks, mains, and anything else my combat level. To allow one unpure account in a pure clan is to allow another. So perhaps I'm not pure, but neither are 90% of the accounts pure clans accept, at least I made a more effective account that still has low def and keeps a lower combat.
Your troll topic is answered. google 'agile pure guide'. sit down.
You're a terrible troll. Bgloves > handcannon and turmoil sucks. here's a FAQ I wrote because I get tired of explaining it. Sit. Wrong. Best way to beat turmoil pkers is to have turmoil. I max at 550 w/o spec with AGS and max with ags spec is 780, also I'm not even 99str. Once again don't give us some bullshÃt that 35 defence is pure, its way closer to being zerker than an actually 'pure' account. It only in my favour if the kid I'm fighting is high str or/and att, means I'll hit higher and more offend. Chaotic is something any turmoil pker can get and as a zerker with turmoil can more or less rape kids with chaotic and no turmoil. How can you even talk about turmoil when you don't have it yourself? Its same as saying 'Movie A is bad' although I never watched it and I know 100% that 'Movie B is better' oh btw I haven't watched movie b either. So your point on how those statistics are wrong is that you can pk someone with an ags spec? congrats? You're not 60 attack are you? you max at a way higher combat... I haven't had turmoil? Turmoil is the reason I quit my zerker for good - biggest waste of combats and money I've ever made - there is an improvement in hits - but not 6-10 combats worth of improvement.. 112 combat is too high to be effective with 45 def. 80 99 75 with augury/piety/rigour will rip off your head and **** down your neck... can outbrid 45 def hands down - you're an idiot if you question it, and all the turmoil in the world isn't going to improve your hits through a divine. Like you said you can spec high - hero specs are what get you kills - when someone can tank your hero spec - what next? keep hitting with inferior accuracy?
You're a terrible troll. Bgloves > handcannon and turmoil sucks. here's a FAQ I wrote because I get tired of explaining it. Sit.
Grats on being a main. Amg im nota main im a legends cape pure!
it's a link to an in-depth guide, that's too large to copy and paste, hosted on zybez / runescape community. don't click it if you don't want, I doubt it will do you any favors unless you want 35 def.
I /thread like first page when I posted the in depth guide mang. > >The Agile Pure Guide < <
Talk about that on RSC bro, this website is for pures. then why are kids with 20 def posting trollololol. GL rebuilding. Thanks, got arcane stream back first day - should have chaotic crossbow by wednesday, staff by next weekend. watch out its a main with d scim and dhides!! heard you've lost a rapier bro hahahaa. ye m8 did something dumb, but its all good i was chill after a couple mins, didnt rage quit (lol) and got it back within a week :cool: now i got maul and rapier, pretty sweet..and didnt even have to get 35 def to get all these sexy bonuses My bonus is still better and you're still no one to talk. I didn't lose it out of my own stupidity, it was something beyond my control, so it was a mild annoyance to put up with. Talk to me next week... I'll have max hybrid back. your bonus is better? at what? definitely not offense so i guess you'll be bragging about how you can tank more with 35 def? what happened to quitting and not wasting any more time here? hm that lasted about 4 seconds. are you stupid? no troll. your 30 def bro, Im 35, i have everything you do except barrows gloves; you have dagonhai, i don't. bsrely translates into higher offense. Letting people think they got the best of me is why I'm still here
Talk about that on RSC bro, this website is for pures. then why are kids with 20 def posting trollololol. GL rebuilding. Thanks, got arcane stream back first day - should have chaotic crossbow by wednesday, staff by next weekend. watch out its a main with d scim and dhides!! heard you've lost a rapier bro hahahaa. ye m8 did something dumb, but its all good i was chill after a couple mins, didnt rage quit (lol) and got it back within a week :cool: now i got maul and rapier, pretty sweet..and didnt even have to get 35 def to get all these sexy bonuses My bonus is still better and you're still no one to talk. I didn't lose it out of my own stupidity, it was something beyond my control, so it was a mild annoyance to put up with. Talk to me next week... I'll have max hybrid back.
Talk about that on RSC bro, this website is for pures. then why are kids with 20 def posting trollololol. GL rebuilding. Thanks, got arcane stream back first day - should have chaotic crossbow by wednesday, staff by next weekend. watch out its a main with d scim and dhides!! heard you've lost a rapier bro hahahaa.
Talk about that on RSC bro, this website is for pures. then why are kids with 20 def posting trollololol. GL rebuilding. Thanks, got arcane stream back first day - should have chaotic crossbow by wednesday, staff by next weekend.
Talk about that on RSC bro, this website is for pures. then why are kids with 20 def posting trollololol.
Thanks for the gl rebuilding. Thanks for the drop heat as well; ive gotten an ancient and a stat hammer since <3 Getting Chaotic staff and crossbow this time, Imbuing my onyx ring, barraging the rest of 99 magic and getting wolpertinger. Dos that.
loser? you don't even have chaotic in the first place hahahahahahahahahahahaha. but thanks boo, I will <3
don't know what the censored word is, but both were dbag nh.
i don't fight mains You'd get your ass handed back to you; I don't need chaotic to drop a lightweight such as yourself l0ol0lol.