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Forty Lashes
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Everything posted by Forty Lashes
Then what clan do you know of that best benefits my account? A rune pure clan full of people that don't hybrid? or ones that do and have def bonuses in mystic that are the same as a pures anyway - just with lower offensive stats because higher def? Any decent rune pure hybrids eventually realize that doing a 6 way switch on a rune pure is the same as doing a 6 way switch on a main. The difference is, your 10m risk on a main pays off alot more on a main than it does on a rune pure... needless to mention higher hits, at 112 combat your practically a main anyway, and better loot due to not being a pure. My combat is - and will always be - too low for a rune pure clan. I belong with hybrids, not with melee based failbrids with 40 def... pure clans have that to offer me, and my defence/combat is still low. Im still more pure than turmoil pures... or anything else over 20 def for that matter.
2 more years to go.
Y u mad? neither does anything over 1 defence, but it's still there. what is 20 def that much more effective than 35? is it still fair for 20 def to fight 1 def? In 2007 people viewed init pures as failures and impure, but if I'm correct, how many of the top pure clans are led by them?
Then if accounts with defense are widely viewed as being more effective, why does it seem as if it's frowned upon to have defence? Isn't being effective and having a successful account fun to you? I don't agree that I shouldn't be pure clanning, I can kill pure's effectively; how would I not be an asset to pure clanning? The debate of prayer was there as a show that 1 defence uses prayer as defence, whilst I used defence to defend myself rather than prayer.
Nobody is saying your account build is bad, it's effective. The same way an 80 defence, 90 range account with venge is effective. It just doesn't fit in pure clanning community. ;p Your first paragraph sounds exactly like what i'd imagine my tank range targets to say lol. They might be effective against 1 defence pures in the 65-90 combat range but they're not pures. Your argument would allow rune pures & tank rangers in pure clans, it can't be applied them so it can't apply to you just because you haven't got the extra 5 defence levels. Your reasoning for prayer being impure doesn't really make sense to me. I got 52 for smite in old wild as an offensive stat, not defensive. I could turn protect melee on in an edgeville fight if I wanted to stop you hitting high on me, but your defence is there constantly to stop me hitting on you. A lot of pures got 70/80 prayer in Fi wayyy before turmoil. Not to be more effective at their combat, just to last longer in f2p and clw fights against other pures where prayer is allowed. It's defence level that determines a pure or not. Nothing else. There definitely were people implying it. The point of what I'm saying isn't that I should be called a pure or a pker - I'm a hybrid and I use my bonus to dispose of the enemy as effectively as possible... if 1 defence has a harder time doing that, then why be 1 defence? Novelty? Fun? I find neither of those in dying to people that do aim to make a more effective build. Like I said earlier, I'd rather be backed by people with good builds - than just people with good pures. This is why rune pure clans accept tank rangers - both accounts are useful in their own ways. The times of pking have changed; show me a week at pcl without overheads up from start to finish? go to drags without someone turning protects on within seconds.
a pure in ur opinion is a pker, not a pure. There is a difference my friend. but most kids pray overheads cuz they suck at pking anyways nowadays, so u need 45 prayer Your account was melee based and you blame the defence for your account not being a successful hybrid? Of course it's going to be better to be a rune pure if the most effective thing your account has is melee. Maxing at what? 101 combat? Completely different scenario than being most effective between the 70s to 90s. And incorrect, what I refer to as a pker, you refer to as a pure. A pure is low attack, 1 def, 1-13 prayer... just because everyone else uses overheads doesn't make it okay for you to do it and call yourself pure, anymore than people having defence makes it okay for you to do it as well. If you're in for a penny you're in for a pound. Overheads are just as extraneous as defence if you were to apply the same pure logic. Your defence on a pure is your hp, one of the reasons melee pures used to get 70 range, as a way to get higher hp... this is 2010 and everyone bots soul wars and replaces hp with prayer levels.
I never said pure clans everywhere should accept me, I just defended my build. It does matter what my combat is, I've been doing well against pures since I was a level 56- all the way up to 84 combat now... pure clans generally pk from 65-90 combat, I'm still in that bracket - and will be for quite sometime. If you walk into the wild, I can attack you; just because I'm not 1 def and you are doesn't change a thing. To reject builds with defence in the combat range from the pure community would reject the pure community from the wild and the way the combat system works. I will repeat the technicality of pures being "defenceless" when most of them have protection prayers in place of defence, not so defenceless when 40% of attacks are blocked. Unless someone with a divine qualifies as "defenceless" - you're not defenseless. A pure in my opinion is 1 def, 1-16 prayer, perhaps even up to 36 prayer depending on the situation. If you don't fit that frame then you're in no position to judge defence.
http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1274099-the-agile-pure-guide/ answered - inb4thelock. What happened there brski u mad bcuz logix stoppd helpin u???????????????????
http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1274099-the-agile-pure-guide/ answered, thread can be locked now.
ja man 99 def ownij!? Fun assumption because I can't recall fighting you and I don't think there are many for you to be able to stand behind that statement with certainty... See you in the wild Jamie, is that a girl name or a boy name by the way?
So to be pure is to use a combat brace, monk robes, and anything else you can buy on the ge? or is it to quest up for the best bonus you can get? Thank you, however In that case - point the fingers at yourselves for having overheads... I had def instead of prayer, if having better gear to hit better and get hit less is unpure, then anyone with higher than 13/16 prayer can be considered equality guilty by the same logic. Prayer is more defensive than offensive, after 13/16 prayer, the stat bonuses from prayer do not compensate for the levels gained... you'd be better off using the rest of the combats to train normally. However, prayer - much like defence; is something very useful to have for pking, allowing more quests to be completed for better bonus... and giving better armour/bonuses. The difference being - prayer runs out; defence doesn't.
lol at u thinking that's a decent troll.
Because I have barrows gloves instead - and am not melee based so I'm not a level 108 "pure".
http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1274099-the-agile-pure-guide/ written by yours truly. Finding clans that accept you could prove challenging. The account can take as long if not longer than a zerker to make and alot of people lose patience... but if you hang in there you'll be alright.
How can celtic be right when he's speaking from theory compared to me speaking from firsthand experience. I have both accounts, if a rune pure was better I'd go back to my rune pure... as far as the pure debate goes, how can he suggest for me to go rune pure for better defence; when I'm keeping my defence down for higher offense... is this not a concept of being pure? My defence is higher than traditional pures, but times have changed - being 1 def may deal alot of damage, but when you take into consideration how much damage you're taking in return, combo'ing is much more difficult to do on 1 defence as you have to eat more often.
Don't compare me to a fundamentalist because you can't prove a point. And I'm agnostic so don't use me to fuel your religious hate either. I've come to terms with the fact you have no clue what you are talking about... barrows gloves didn't come to 35 def until 2009, as did agile. I started my account in august of 2009 from a new account - it's taken me this long to get to where I'm at now... that's the reason the wild isn't flourishing with builds that take this long to complete. However there are others and have been people in the past with similar 35 defence builds. Elaborate how a rune pure lasts longer in a hybrid dm, when it has 6 less food in it's inventory and is vulnerable in every hybrid setup it switches to.
Then you've got quite the ego to uphold. I've had my rune pure, as you will see on the application, for over 5 years... I know it's ins and outs, what it's good at, and what it's not good at... I can attest that I know more about rune pures than you do as I had 573 days of ingame time on my rune pure... more than most people have on their mains. This account is better. You're speaking from what you think you know, and what could be probable - I'm speaking from experience and what is statistically better... The challenge in the fight shouldn't be in survival like it is on a pure, it should be in the hunt like it is on accounts with defence. If you have both of those to worry about, why pk on a terrible account with little ko thats near impossible to do either with? Because it's a challenge? Props to you then... In the mean time I'll continue to have fun killing people with ease.
Quit making assumptions, I've pked on mains, 1 defs, and 45 defs - 35 defence does pk differently, the closest thing to relate it to is a void pker as far as the pking style goes. Because I don't leave myself constantly vulnerable to getting 1 banged it requires no skill? I'd say thats intelligence... if something is more effective and easier to use - that would make something that requires more effort and is less effective, obsolete. I hit higher than a rune pure my combat hits... defence bonus makes no difference for the rune pure because I'm going to be targeting whatever gear's weakness the rune pure has - while my gear provides well rounded defence. a rune pure can run around barraging 466, but while he's in mystic hes going to get annihilated by range or melee. Keep arguing if you want, any 'point' you can think of I've heard and addressed already. I don't understand what the issue is, if you think my account is pointless then that shouldn't present a problem for you in the wild?
I was 80 combat with 16 prayer 99 range, much lower combat than any rune pure... There is no advantage for me to get 40 def. 1 str bonus or 3 strength levels instead? Don't need vengeance because I hybrid and am an ancients always. The defence bonus isn't substantially higher - there's no setup 40 def has that 35 can't counter. If 40 defence is in rune they're frozen, if they're in d'hide they're scim'd, and if they're in mystic they're screwed. Agile is versatile armour that defends against all styles and gives no negative attack bonuses to hybrid in... similar to void. As far as slayer goes... I'm 84 combat with 73 slayer, I have no trouble whatsoever with it... that's an assumption, and is irrelevant at that. Just curious why you'd compare 35 def to 40 instead of 45... why not 45? because a zerker helm isnt worth the higher combat level? Guess what, a zerker helm is 3 strength bonus higher than 40... so the difference between 40 and 45 def is 3x more substantial than 35-40 with 1 strength bonus gained instead of 3... I'm app'ing for dont panic when I'm 90 combat, I'd rather be in a team of hybrids than a clan of people with accounts based around a single style of combat like rune pures and tanks. ok then. and... didnt say zerker because statius helm. also could of said 42 for void. could of said 40 for f2p bonuses, not everything is p2p. Also 90 combat would mean you are melee based and maxed. and 1 combat from being maxed with 52 prayer. Agile armor has no magic atk bonus so you would still need mystic, black d hide better defence and magic def bonuses than agile, rune armor has better bonuses than addy(legs being 60% better, plate being 15 bonuses better) most rune pkers don't max out there combat stats like you did and arent 16 prayer so ofc their stats wont compare to urs.. just saying that a rune pker is only 1.15 combat higher and has better advantages than 35 and a little stronger offensive(also defense is a significant factor in offense). If you're not going to say zerker because of statius helm - then don't say rune pure because of statius platebody/legs. 42 for void? My magic bonus in agile is still better than 1-10 defs, don't pull that card because if they can hit then I can hit. Rune pures aren't more powerful at my level... Whole point of void is hybrid tribrid. 20% to range, 10% to str and atk, and now with the shield u can hit higher than u used to as a rune pker. and no ur magic bonus in agile is worse than 1-10. IDC, the whole point of pures is to have fun pking and for it to be challenging. Rune pures still rip ur account, no im srry it still does don't tell me that people at your level have crap stats because its irevelant. They can have the same stats as you minus 2 range levels, 3 str levels. But have way better defensive which means more offensive bonus than you. It is a fact and don't even try to argue you im tired of dealing with some hard-headed kid with an attitude How are you going to tell me a rune pure owns me when I have 6 berserker helms sitting in my pk tab right this second. I barrage 466, anyone I see running around in rune on pvp world is a dead fish... first time a combo rolls out there's nothing they can do. You don't have an account like mine and it's extremely pretentious to tell someone that does what their account can and can't kill. Rune pures are a problem for 1 def, not for me. Find me a rune pure thats in the 85 combat area and I'll show you the meaning of a tank test, I've been waiting months to find one that can pose a challenge - if you know of one - I want that fight. Under 10 magic bonus? Are you trolling? even in ADDY BERSERKER SHIELD, I'm in at least 55+ magic bonus... followed through with about 150 all defence.
Proof? I always pk in agile and bgloves... 100k a death doesn't hurt my bank when I have access to frost dragons - and agile is free to get back on death like god capes or prayer books. Even been to a few trips in chaotic risk. Agile is harder to return in; like zamorak book - but I have a large quantity of bgloves on hand for returns. Usually I'll just return in dhide chaps and mystic/pros top... for trips I can usually get agile and every back within 2 minutes as I have teleports for all the places to get the untradeable gear back. to the person who posted the wall of text; I didn't make my account to dominate f2p, it's easy enough to f2p pk as it is. I have the tokens for gravite crap if I wanted to get it, I'd barely ever use it so it's better spent on another chaotic weapon. My hp is well above my combat level.
But I'd be fighting you in the wild all the same, so what does it matter? It's not like I'm a level 138 killing your memberlist... I'm in the same combat range of any reputable pure that you'd run into in the wild or fight in another pure clan. If it's a disadvantage to you, then perhaps you should quit complaining I'm here and train def... If it's an advantage to you... then again, quit whining, and seize the opportunity, for you are at an advantage and there's nothing to worry about. so 80defence but the same combat range as most members in the clan is suitable? Not in particular because it has clans better suited for it, i.e tank clans/teams. There's no clan made that consists of my build so I'm in one that has people my combat.
But I'd be fighting you in the wild all the same, so what does it matter? It's not like I'm a level 138 killing your memberlist... I'm in the same combat range of any reputable pure that you'd run into in the wild or fight in another pure clan. If it's a disadvantage to you, then perhaps you should quit complaining I'm here and train def... If it's an advantage to you... then again, quit whining, and seize the opportunity, for you are at an advantage and there's nothing to worry about.
I was 80 combat with 16 prayer 99 range, much lower combat than any rune pure... There is no advantage for me to get 40 def. 1 str bonus or 3 strength levels instead? Don't need vengeance because I hybrid and am an ancients always. The defence bonus isn't substantially higher - there's no setup 40 def has that 35 can't counter. If 40 defence is in rune they're frozen, if they're in d'hide they're scim'd, and if they're in mystic they're screwed. Agile is versatile armour that defends against all styles and gives no negative attack bonuses to hybrid in... similar to void. As far as slayer goes... I'm 84 combat with 73 slayer, I have no trouble whatsoever with it... that's an assumption, and is irrelevant at that. Just curious why you'd compare 35 def to 40 instead of 45... why not 45? because a zerker helm isnt worth the higher combat level? Guess what, a zerker helm is 3 strength bonus higher than 40... so the difference between 40 and 45 def is 3x more substantial than 35-40 with 1 strength bonus gained instead of 3... I'm app'ing for dont panic when I'm 90 combat, I'd rather be in a team of hybrids than a clan of people with accounts based around a single style of combat like rune pures and tanks. ok then. and... didnt say zerker because statius helm. also could of said 42 for void. could of said 40 for f2p bonuses, not everything is p2p. Also 90 combat would mean you are melee based and maxed. and 1 combat from being maxed with 52 prayer. Agile armor has no magic atk bonus so you would still need mystic, black d hide better defence and magic def bonuses than agile, rune armor has better bonuses than addy(legs being 60% better, plate being 15 bonuses better) most rune pkers don't max out there combat stats like you did and arent 16 prayer so ofc their stats wont compare to urs.. just saying that a rune pker is only 1.15 combat higher and has better advantages than 35 and a little stronger offensive(also defense is a significant factor in offense). If you're not going to say zerker because of statius helm - then don't say rune pure because of statius platebody/legs. 42 for void? My magic bonus in agile is still better than 1-10 defs, don't pull that card because if they can hit then I can hit. Rune pures aren't more powerful at my level...
I was 80 combat with 16 prayer 99 range, much lower combat than any rune pure... There is no advantage for me to get 40 def. 1 str bonus or 3 strength levels instead? Don't need vengeance because I hybrid and am an ancients always. The defence bonus isn't substantially higher - there's no setup 40 def has that 35 can't counter. If 40 defence is in rune they're frozen, if they're in d'hide they're scim'd, and if they're in mystic they're screwed. Agile is versatile armour that defends against all styles and gives no negative attack bonuses to hybrid in... similar to void. As far as slayer goes... I'm 84 combat with 73 slayer, I have no trouble whatsoever with it... that's an assumption, and is irrelevant at that. Just curious why you'd compare 35 def to 40 instead of 45... why not 45? because a zerker helm isnt worth the higher combat level? Guess what, a zerker helm is 3 strength bonus higher than 40... so the difference between 40 and 45 def is 3x more substantial than 35-40 with 1 strength bonus gained instead of 3... I'm app'ing for dont panic when I'm 90 combat, I'd rather be in a team of hybrids than a clan of people with accounts based around a single style of combat like rune pures and tanks.
u max at 104, they max at 108. ur account is pker, nota pure. go join hf and to every1 with 30+ def go join hf too well then 1 def pures max at 98 combat... You probably looked up 99 attack 99 strength - well first off... I'd never slaughter my hybrid with 99 attack and over 12 combat levels like that. Secondly, when I was 16 prayer, I would have maxed at 99... But I'm ranged based and am staying that way - so 86 combat isn't something to concern yourself with. Turmoil pures are 19 combats more main than I'll ever be.