Table of Contents
* 1.0 Introduction
* 2.0 Requirements
* 3.0 Equipment
* 4.0 Locations
* 5.0 How to kill them
* 6.0 Time/Xp table
* 7.0 Prices
* 8.0 Frequently Asked Questions
* 9.0 Credits
1.0 - Introduction
This method of training will cost about 35M+. But will be very fast, will only take maybe about 50 hours of training.
2.0 Requirments
-80+ Range
-43+ Pray
Started Monkey Madness(to the part you have access to ape atoll)
Items needed:
-Red Chinchompa\'s (Ranged 85-99 is ~50-60k chins)
-Prayer Potions
-Super Anti Pots.
-Gree gree (optional)
3.0 Equipment
Helm:God Mitre > Robin
Bottom:Monks,Chaps (Monks if using range boosting pray, chaps if not)
Sheild:Zammy Book > Sara Book > Guthix Book
Gloves:Regen * this is a must because of falling rocks,rfd gloves wont let u last long
Boots:Ranger > White Boots
Cape:Skillcape (t) > God cloak > Firecape
Amulet:Fury > Glory > Holy/Unholy symbol
1.5-2k red chinchompa\'s if you use range boost prayer.
2-3.5k red chinchompa\'s if you dont use range boost prayer.
4.0 Locations
Go to the gnome stronghold and talk to Daero.
*Note:You will not get defence exp by talking to him if you select this:
The Tunnel:
Red Squares are the training spots.
5.0 How to kill them:
When u first start out there is only 4 monkeys. But they regenerate from their bones. So kill them fast wait for the \"bone spawns\" and normal spawns will come with them also. Soon you may have 15+ monkeys trying to anal you.
*Pic from zybez*
Pic of me killing:
The Attack Style:
Some people arent sure about what attack style to use, i wasnt either the first time i started. Ive asked around and most people say that Short Fuse is the best to use.
How do I make them agressive again?
Run till your location is off the minimap. Run back and the monkeys will be agressive again. After about 1.5 hours.
Where to log out:
(red locations)
Log out when you are a monkey. If you are not logging as a monkey put melee protect as a quick prayer.
6.0 - Time/Xp table
I havent tried anything over 93+ range atm i just leeched the calcs from zybez.
This is the xp an hour if you pot when your range pot drained 4-5 ranged level\'s.
85 = 120-130k xp each hour
86 = 120-130k xp each hour
87 = 120-140k xp each hour
88 = 130-150k xp each hour
89 = 140-160k xp each hour
90 = 150-170k xp each hour
91 = 155-175k xp each hour
92 = 160-180k xp each hour
93 = 165-195k xp each hour
94 = 170-200k xp each hour
95 = 175-205k xp each hour
96 = 180-210k xp each hour
97 = 190-220k xp each hour
98 = 200-230k xp each hour
99 = 210-240k xp each hour
With hawk or eagle prayer it\'ll be even more (up to 300k xp each hour).
You can do 800-1.5k Red Chinchompa\'s each hour.
7.0 Prices
Red ChinChompa\'s: 750 ea - 1k Chins = 750k
Prayer potions 12k ea - 1 Inv ~230k
Super anti poison potions 2k ea
8.0 - F.A.Q.
Q: would a Salve Amulet (e) be any good there? It increases your Strength and Accuracy against Undead monsters by 20%. I\'m wondering if that works for range ...
A:nope, Salve Amulet (e) only works for melee combat.
Q: Can I also train magic here?
A: Yes, it\'s good xp (both range and hp) but very costly.
Q:Will normal chins work here too?
A:No just a big waste of money.
(Will add more questions later if needed)