Mafia banned me. Mafia hates you. He wanted to demote you and I told em to keep you as ranked. Im not a traitor.
Im also looking at Zenith. I'm gonna give it a week and see if I can attend some minis/preps
Just as a concerned citizen, Zenith is the farthest thing from the qualities you seek in a clan. Shouldn't take you long to see that. Seems you have history with NME. Personally I don't care for this section as it seems like more a less people just looking for attention. You did put a good deal of effort into your topic, so that's why I bothered to make a reply.
Every clan has their fair share of immature people. This is Runescape, it's unavoidable. Anyone who says we're all mature, or all their members are mature is lying. At the same time asking for such things is a fallacy in it's own right. There's nothing wrong with setting your standards high, but absolutes are unattainable.
So let's focus on what is logical. You have a primarily F2p account that is low leveled. TLP is a P2p based clan with heavy emphasis on "quality." I do not believe you would fit in well with them and your current stats. NME on the other hand is F2p based and consists of lower levels closer to your combat. This in my mind makes the choice easy. However, I don't know your plans on activity whether or not you really intend on training up. If you have such plans TLP would be the better option. If not, I'd go with the next best and closest fit NME.
Of course being Warlord of Fatality my objective is to bring people towards my clan. Realistically I see no reason why you would join. Without any real previous history with our members, stats suited to fit into our clan ( we are primarily higher combats), or any desire to put in effort to your own account I don't see it working out. That's not to say my assumptions are correct because I don't know you in the least and Fatality welcomes anyone willing to give us the opportunity of their participation.
I hope I could help.