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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Bryan

    5 degrees outside

    snow sucks cold sucks
  2. MM - #1 F2P FOE - TLP will challenge them for #1 P2P I think EOP - Probably stay the same. TLP - Pulls getting increasingly better. Probably will push for #1 P2P, but most likely won't take it for long if at all. FI - Plateauing and falling out of the scene. Hopefully they hang on and don't close as others are suggesting. CP - I don't see their amazing 100+ pulls lasting much longer. IR - Stays low most likely, may close depends how active leadership can be to rebuild. WAR - Probably stays how it is now, don't see them getting a lot better. C - Contrary to others opinions not going away any time soon. Probably pick up our recruiting etc and be content with pulling ~45-50s and holding down #1 P2P Med. CPR - Unfortunately I see them closing sometime this year, don't think the leadership (especially Shawn) can be active enough to rebuild. I'd love for you to prove me wrong though. CH - No clue. Z - Looking good atm, could see them being a real threat in the MPC scene but I don't see them fighting FOE/TLP/MM etc
  3. I'm color blind. Red green color blind.
  4. Lol gtfo Loki. Nah, if me or Ryan have things irl we have to do our HCs/Warlords/Asher are more than capable taking care of things without us. All of our leadership is experienced enough to continue things w/o us babying them, they know what needs to get done and how to go about it.
  5. Cmon guys let's just all get along. P;
  6. We (Carnage) just recently switched over from Ventrilo to TS3. I prefer TS3, the sound quality is better than Ventrilo imo.
  7. 7 awards for Am0n jeez lol. Grats to all.
  8. I always said I played for Carnage and when it closed I'd quit. But I found that after Carnage originally closed I couldn't quit, or maybe I just had nothing better to do. I think I just play for clanning, and more importantly my friends. If I didn't have the friends I have and get to talk to them on rs on a daily basis I doubt I'd play near as much.
  9. I check it when I wake up and before I go to bed. Ocassionally I'll get on during the day if I'm bored or something.
  10. I started playing in 04/05 made a range pure shortly after. Didn't join any clans on that, just spent a whole summer pking in f2p with friends/masser clans/teams. After that I got bored of him and made twins with my friend, were pretty beastly twins lol. One day when we were pking we saw z to x ic z and his UD friends pking so my twin joined but I wasn't into clanning then so I'd just pk with them if my twin did. After a bit my twin got hacked for 20 def so I quit rs for a bit. When I came back the wild had been taken away. Rejoined UD, then shortly after UD and FF merged into Carnage. And I've been Carnage ever since.
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