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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Rapier beasts preps/minis/pures in general. But I have rapier and vs tanks/zerkers it isn't that great.
  2. I know! So sad I lost them. :c
  3. Oh sorry, I'll fix it got my info wrong mate.
  4. Site | IRC Channel: #Clan_Carnage | Memberlist Today after massing up for about half an hour Carnage set out with a slightly disappointing pull of only 30, but hit 35 once some lates came. Even with our low opts we still managed to do some work! Carnage vs WAR vs CPR Our scouts said WAR were spread near gap just standing there, and after them standing there for quite some time we decided why not? And hit went to hit. Once we had gotten there and spread ourselves CPR rushed, but we were already there and needed some action so we went for it. The fight started out with C to the north, but we eventually backed into north of the Gap and WAR took the bait and followed. CPR didn't for the most part, so WAR got basically sandwhiched. We got them caught in the gap quite easily and had cleared a majority of them before IR crashed. Once IR pushed thru gap I called a log out and we hopped back to a safe world. Sorry for the crash WAR/CPR, we didn't intend to but we had already gotten there by the time CPR hit. Carnage Starting: ~28-30 Carnage Ending: Around 15-20 WAR Starting: 25ish WAR Ending: Cleared from the battlefield. CPR Starting: 20ish? Not sure. CPR Ending: Probably had around 10-15 before IR crashed. Carnage vs Chaotic Probably one of our best fights in a long time, lasting 15-20 mins. Originally Carnage had spread near newgate and Chaotic had attacked from the south. Duval said he wouldn't attack while we were on the hill, so we went west to flat land and spread there. After going west, a rank went east to check things out and saw Chaotic south and quickly gathered some people back on the hill. Before we could properly spread to the new location they rushed and battled over control of the hill with us. Eventually the fight shifted from the hill infront of newgate to inside this small area. The tide shifted back and forth between Carnage and Chaotic having the upper hand, and once one was nearly cleared returners soon came. Both sides were being sniped by mains through out the whole fight, but eventually scouts said a main clan was rushing. At this point Carnage was spread around level 50 port, and Chaotic were mainly back at the gate. The mains rushed, clearing both clans so the outcome is unfortunately indecisive. Both clans put up a great fight, but I'm not going to try to claim a win due to mains. Thanks for the amazing fight Chaotic, cheers. Carnage Starting: 28 Carnage Ending: Probably around 10 before main clan crashed. Chaotic Starting: Not sure. ~26 I think? Chaotic Ending: Duval said they had around 9. Carnage vs Zenith This fight basically had two parts. There was the initial fight at dwarves, where Carnage won then another fight when Zenith rerushed from the South. Carnage pushed them from Dwarves down towards ruins, then eventually to clan wars. However, there were a lot of mains around this area and due to Carnage having fairly higher levels than Zenith overall most of us were being picked off by mains and Zenith. Eventually someone in vent decided to call off returning and get a regroup for another rush, but by that time TLP had rushed and so we just called off the fight and hopped back to homeworld. So Carnage won the intial run in, but Zenith won the second fight near clan wars. Initial fight: Carnage Starting: 26 Carnage Ending: ~15 Zenith Starting: 30 Zenith Ending: 2-3 left at dwarves Second Fight: Carnage Starting: ~20 Carnage Ending: 10 or so in Cwars Zenith Starting: Rerushed with probably ~25 Zenith Ending: 18 Videos: PM Me Rihana's version Ayo Itz Loki's version (Full trip) Pictures: (More to come)
  5. Looks like you had a fun day, but you certainly didn't clear us. o.O We pushed north of Gap and CPR/WAR tried to push through but we had you in a huge Barrage cluster. We had cleared most of WAR/CPR but IR rushed so we called a log out before they could do any major damage. But again, looks like you had a good trip.
  6. Silly, I did 11 but numbered 10 twice.
  7. P2P: 1. Foe 2. Mm 3. TLP 4. EOP 5. IR/Fi 6. IR/Fi 7. C/CPR 8. C/CPR 9. CH 10. Zenith 10. WAR
  8. Probably just hangout in irc and keep the community. Maybe move to a stable private server if someone made a decent one for clanning.
  9. 1. Carnage 2. The Last Pures 3. Devastation 4. Intense Redemption 5. Destructive Pures
  10. Bryan

    [RECAP] Red vs Blue

    Was okay, a lot of people just brought both capes though and switched whenever one team gained the upper hand. I know quite a few people I'd attack then they'd quick switch their cape to make it look like I was bsing. Not to mention mains everywhere sniping, though that's uncontrolable.
  11. Nice job Fearless. If you're looking for a prep and can't find anyone to accept, come ask us. :D I've been looking for one every day this week with no luck.
  12. Bryan

    Dear Deshon

  13. Had pics of Mean, Clan Chat, and a few others but they got deleted when I reformatted my laptop. Got this though, old acc I used to own but I changed name.
  14. He wasn't denying the mains there (that honestly didn't really do anything, I'm 91 cb didn't get hit by them the person in the vid is 95 cb and he didn't get hit by them either). All he's saying is that we didn't crash any run in you had vs POT, as you are trying to say we did. That's the whole point of why I even made a topic. You tried to make us out to have crashed so much, when really you crashed and we came to help the crashed. If you wouldn't have tried to make us look like **** I wouldn't have even made a topic. Now please just leave this topic I'm trying to keep it flame free.
  15. Yeah, but Brice from TLP is pretty good not gonna lie.
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