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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Those are Carnage's old capes from like a year and a half ago before we switched to our current ones.
  2. Haha thanks, it's quite old actually. Trying to get a new one soon. :happy:
  3. Again, sorry for the long topic but there was some things that needed to be cleared up. :)
  4. Site | IRC Channel: #Clan_Carnage | Memberlist Carnage had a fun weekend consisting of a 4-1 F2P PCL ft wins vs Ex x2 DF and CPR, and a loss vs CH as well as a P2P Prep saturday vs TR winning 3-0. However, I'll focus on Sunday. After about 20-30 mins off massing, Carnage left off to our trip with 27 people, soon peaking to 32 people out of a 50 man ml. Not bad if I do say so myself. Our trip lasted around 3 hours and saw quit a bit of action, with run ins and what not. Thanks to all the members who attended and stayed at the trip, which ended with 25 people still attending after a 3 hr period. PS; If you don't feel like reading the whole topic just at least read the bolded, I think you'll find it quite enjoyable. ^^ IR, you attempt to show that you 'accidently' hit FS by mistake. This topic exposes your propaganda and shows why our hits on you were not 'crashes'. Enjoy. Carnage vs Fearless: We had got a loc on FS, and rushed bh to get them as they came out. However, scouts quickly told me they had ran towards cw so we changed our rush to cw and caught FS fairly clumped just below graveyard and obelisk. Carnage Starting: 29 Carnage Ending: 26 (falled in at Clan Wars) Fearless Starting: 26 or so I believe, confirm? Fearless Ending: A few in clan wars. Carnage vs Intense Redemption Round 1: We had word from our scout that POT and FS were fighting at SC. We then received word from our source that IR was rushing from BH to crash that fight, so we set out to hit them to help FS & POT. (It was here that the idea first came up that IR had a spy in FS or POT) By the time we came, POT & FS ran into SC, while IR was still spread outside, so we waited for them to get a fall in to attempt to cluster bang them in a 30v50, but sadly it didn't work as planned. Carnage Starting: 30 Carnage Ending: A few in SC IR Starting: 52 or so IR Ending: No clue Yes. We admit we lost to IR on this fight in our topic, we're not hiding ****. Carnage vs IR/VH/POT/FS After knowing we lost that fight vs IR by SC, we decided to get a regroup in w48 and hop. We walked over to Clan Wars waiting for our scouts to give us a clans location. After about 2 minutes, a scout found FS at northern stairs by coopereal entrance, we decided to hop knowing that IR was in the same world. By the time we were in clan wars and hopped, our scout mentioned that IR was walking by gwas ledge and killing a few pot members running to bank. We knew FS was at stairs, and if POT members were running by that must have meant they were in a fight. IR was crashing yet again. We decided to run directly north of clan wars to lvl 27 wild, then make a north/south spread and rush west. By the time we got our spread, IR had already made the hit, it took us about 20 seconds to rush into them. I will leave it to IR to either admit losing 30 opts in 20 seconds, or admitting we cleared them 30v40-45. Yes, there was about 10 mains there, they were attacking IR and C members, but they killed 4 IR/C together at most. After noticing that IR seemed to know where FS/POT was twice, we thought it was safe to assume they had a spy in one of these clans. Thanks to will-turb for confirming (15:23:21) <[iR]will|hotkeying> jr was on my acc while i was on my spy in fs | <[iR]will|hotkeying> we had a spy in FS assuming they'd pull decent. Good job spying and crashing IR keep up the good work! Of course, IR tried to say WE crashed however, with POT and FS' help we have the story straight. (17:37:51) <AYo|LoKi> im not really sure what went on here, because scouts were lagging out (17:38:06) <AYo|LoKi> but after that IR hit FS while FS was at north bh stairs by lvl 28 wild (17:38:17) <AYo|LoKi> was PoT attempting to fight FS there? by coorperal entrance (18:10:02) <Soyaki> we were fighting fs (18:10:10) <Soyaki> was a plan pkr (18:10:56) <AYo|LoKi> and intense redemption (18:10:59) <AYo|LoKi> crashed you guys right soyaki? (18:11:11) <Soyaki> ye (18:18:07) <AYo|LoKi> we had a scout find out that fs and pot were fighting at SC (18:18:16) <AYo|LoKi> soon a source told us IR was rushing to sc to crash the fight (18:18:22) <AYo|LoKi> IR then crashed the fight, can you confirm this (18:21:45) <[Fs]Charlie> pretty much IR crashed ya but apparently they thought it was POT only (18:22:18) <AYo|LoKi> we then had a scout saying FS was at north BH stairs, by the coopereal entrance (18:22:49) <AYo|LoKi> and we heard pot members were running towards bank. Our source told us IR was running by gwas ledge and taking out a few members, then they made a full rush to hit the clans there (18:22:53) <AYo|LoKi> can you confirm being there/fighting pot? (18:23:37) <[Fs]Charlie> o wait (18:23:37)<[Fs]Charlie> IR crashed at west of dwarfes (18:23:37) <[Fs]Charlie> by mossies (18:24:33) <AYo|LoKi> west of dwarves is by the coorpereal entrance lol... (18:24:38) <AYo|LoKi> were you guys fighting POT there? (18:24:41) <AYo|LoKi> or planning to fight pot? ((18:24:45) <[Fs]Charlie> u said sc (18:25:10) <AYo|LoKi> you were crashed for certain at sc (18:25:13) <AYo|LoKi> i know that one for a fact (18:25:29) <AYo|LoKi> but im asking if you can confirm FS being west of dwarves by north bh stairs and planning to fight POT there then being hit by IR (18:25:47) <[Fs]Charlie> dont think so lol i got abit late to the trip maybe it happened before (18:25:55) <[Fs]Charlie> are you making a topic or something? (18:26:20) <[Fs]Charlie> yes (18:26:35) <[Fs]Charlie> we were fighting POT and ir rushed from behind pot then hit us a bit (18:27:02) <AYo|LoKi> yes making a topic and confirming that IR was only crashing a majority of their fights (18:34:44) <[Fs]Charlie> I wasn't there for the one at SC so I can't confirm, but they did crash the one with pot east of mossies Carnage Starting: Around 30-32 Carnage Ending: Didn't get an exact count, but I had 64-66 options falled in on me at mossies before we hopped. IR Starting: Around 40-45 IR Ending: None on the battlefield. They were regrouping at BH and they did NOT call a log out. They were attempting to return, but we left right away not being stupid to wait by mains while IR/POT were regrouping at BH Carnage vs Chaotic: I approached Duval asking for a run in, and he accepted in no time. We agreed Carnage would defend, so we quickly hopped to a pvp world and spread at dwarves when CH was prepared to attack. However, for reasons unknown to me CH stalled their rush for ~10 mins and by the time they were "about to rush" VH or HF (not sure which) kindly rushed us and cleared those that didn't log in time. Carnage Starting: 27 Carnage Ending: ~20, most hopped in time CH Starting: 25 CH Ending: 25, I don't believe they were hit. Carnage vs CPR: After looking for ages for another run in, and coming to the conclusion that most others had ended we accepted a fun run in with CPR, even though we knew we were outopted by ~5. Unfortunately on the way there around 4-5 120s decided it'd be fun to chase after me and our higher levels and leech our stats etc, which pretty much ruined the fight and didn't allow us to properly spread how we had wanted to. Carnage Starting: 24 Carnage Ending: 0 CPR Starting: 28 CPR Ending: 24-25 Videos: Also; instead of going to F2p Saturday we set up a P2P prep vs Tribulation +/-2, with C peaking at 27 but I won't go on a huge topic about that. Rate/Hate/Subscribe. F2P PCL 4-1 vid will be up soon as well, so make sure to subscribe! TL;DR FUN WEEKEND Also to any IR Wishing to flame: There was only 1 post from a Carnage member on your topic IR, and it was a response and did not flame your topic. Do not post on our topic with flame. WE WILL NOT RESPOND.
  5. Which clan do you think will improve the most overall? - TLP/C Which med clan do you think will be #1 this month? - It should be pretty close between CPR and IR, but considering IR's pulls right now I'll go with IR. Which clans do you think will be the top 3 clans overall by the end of this month?( In order 1st 2nd 3rd ) - 1. FOE 2. MM 3. TLP/EOP - Will be a close race just depends who steps up more in their weaker server.
  6. We logged before FOE could hit us. :happy:
  8. Big Hoss the Boss doin work as usual.
  9. FOE: Kyle MM: 13th CP: Drunk EOP: Goop TLP: ogod...Cory+Discepolo+Ever+Evo+Novo <3 FI: Davey CH: Duval CX: No clue CPR: Pump Z: No clue FS: No clue C: Asher+Ryan+Calvin lol IR: Junior WAR: No clue
  10. Would be fun to do, but pretty hard to pull off I'd imagine.
  11. It depends what you're looking for. In Carnage we try to balance F2p and P2p with preps, pk trips, minis, and so on, though I'll admit we're probably slightly more P2P than F2P but check us out if you're interested. www.youtube.com/user/clancarnage for prep vids etc. www.carnage-rs.org / #clan_Carnage If you'd like to get a feel for our community. Good luck! :)
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