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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Can anyone say GWAS? Feel free to chase after us CPR, I love the free loot. <333
  2. 10PM GMT on a Sunday is ridiculous. We have many GMT members and this is too late for them. We've told you many times if you want a fullout it's 8PM GMT.
  3. Bryan


  4. Nice spamming for more PC. Jk Anthoni ily. <3
  5. Nothing else to do on Friday's, might as well give it a try. :]
  6. It was fun. GF dv thanks for the prep. :)
  7. Rip IR, much respect. Even though there was a lot of...rivalry and slight tension better our clans I've always liked you. We'll miss fighting you, our wars were always so intense. <333
  8. Bryan

    Final Fantasy XIII

    Too bad I don't have a PS3
  9. #Clan_Carnage caz ily Junior.
  10. Good leadership team, active members, a good community.
  11. Bryan

    Battle field 2

    I played the demo, it was ok. I heard campaign sucked.
  12. Yes indeed, Carnage is still alive and kicking! Saturay night Tal PMed me asking for a P2p prep for Sunday, and I gladly accepted knowning that we would pull around the same. We agreed everything would be on (Summoning, corrupt, and miasmic) with a 20 def cap and all rounds on plat, as well as a +/- 3 person cap. So at the agreed upon time (2:30 eastern/7:30 GMT) we left BH and headed to CW with around 32 people. Also, Carnage won't be posting much on Pure Warfare anymore so if you want to follow us make sure to sub to our new youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/clancarnage Videos: by Asher By Chris|Chicken Round 1: Carnage Starting: 32 Carnage Ending: 0 Intense Redemption Starting: 35 Intense Redemption Ending: 22 We had agreed Carnage defended 1st round, so we spread mainly in a corner and around portal and waited for them to rush. Unfortunatly they got the upper hand and won. Round 2: Carnage Starting: 35 Carnage Ending: 17 Intense Redemption Starting: 35 Intense Redemption Ending: 0 We spread wide across the arena and Asher and a few other barragers on our flank wrapped around and came at them from behind until we had them pretty much surrounded and trapped in a corner. Round 3: Carnage Starting: 34 Carnage Ending: 24 Intense Redemption Starting: 36 Intense Redemption Ending: 0 We spread mainly the same as the 2nd round and thankfully IR got themselves into a few clusters in the middle which our callers noticed and capatalized on. More pics to come.
  13. Lol not trying to make excuses, but my vent wasn't working so I couldn't call and no one else had a mic. Calling through RS isn't near as organized as calling through vent...
  14. Bryan


    Sheep, #Clan_Carnage. We love you. :)
  15. It's just an expression to show your loyalty/love for a clan.
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