Exactly so the joke's on you, HAHAHAHA
Hmm maybe that's the reason we have a bigger lb more dedicated experienced members been in tlp for longer then your clan has been open
When over half your pull are ranks, that's when you know you have some problems :whistling:
11lb pull 55 on weekends that's 1/5th our pull u good math
or we could do a zenith and half our pull be from a clan that closed into us
45 Pull on weekends, 23 of those are ranks, idk where you came up with 11. I just went on your ML to check lol, I didn't even add in your 7 elites either.
6 Elders who are at every one of your trips, 4 Warlords, 1 Founder who is at every one of your events, 2 Leaders, 1 High Council, 5 Council, 2 Managers I could imagine those would be ranks, 4 events team. That right there is 25 ranks, but then you also have some honorable guests who pull the strings in your clan and have more say in your clan than your warlords do lmao.
hmm well firstly i think your using the term "rank" to define a group of people that have a higher hierarchy when the "ranking system" starts at applicant and moves up the lader
your point is now invalid
A position in the hierarchy of the armed forces: "the rank of Captain".
Give (someone or something) a rank or place within a grading system: "rank them in order of preference".
as for our leaderboard we have a total of 4 founders (1) that has recently came back to rs but doesnt lead anything
2 leaders
1 hc
4 warlords and events team
(total of 12 LEADERBOARD) that come to events
councils and managers are not leaderboard they are seniors with the elites and exp members
tlp has one of the longest ranking systems in the pure community that i know of
if you wish to keep feeding your members ******** atleast put some thought behind it
would you like me to post a pic of our "ranks of tlp" topic here so there is no more confusion, or you can use your many leaks to look that up yourself
Cbf reading a bunch of **** that no1 cares about, I just know that you have like 30 ranks and it's over half your pull on weekends. I'm just waiting till Booos gets Council next week.