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Everything posted by Dim

  1. Dim


    What did the iranian priest say to the spanish gynaecologist? PS: Cant believe 2009 was 7 years ago
  2. Dim

    Boobs or Booty

    debate of the century yo representtt
  3. Dim


  4. So there's this girl in a five-hour before school program I like.. Today, we went to the garden to plant some flowers and seeds we grew earlier. Two staff that work there asked me to plant some pumpkins that we had grown inside, and Tegdirb (the girl I like) came over and helped me dig and plant the pumpkins XD. We talked a lot. We talked about how we missed talking and playing cards (45 minute war game F T W) and watching movies together. After we were done, we went to this playground area thing, and we sat next to each other talking about different things, like my cat, and random stuff xd. She said I have the best smile in the world, and it makes her happy . She was flirting with me, like when we left the garden, she gave me her gloves and said "here's a gift from me to you", lol. She also was like "Ahh, my flipflops are dirty. Felipe, wanna wash them for me?". Obviously she likes me . On the way up back to the conference room, we walked together, and talked more. I didn't get to give her the letter I wrote to her because there were too many staff around. If I had the chance I would have >.< Man I am a homosexual.
  5. Dim


    cool story. Äitisi nai poroja! isäs oli runkku, kun sua teki! vedä vittu päähäs
  6. yo ima let you finish but pure community has one of the best Kanye rants ever. One of the best EVER. (and you're all welcome, except phillip)
  7. thanks for the replies, it really helped me out. I finally asked her to come eat a pizza with me but the ******* part didn't happen. She is from America, North dighton to be exact, and she has this boyfriend there who can eat pizza's like noone else. I can't compete with that :( The worst part, She never let me wash her flip flops :( :( :( :(
  8. Okay so I havent been around, I actually been busy with this girl. I've been aware of her existance for several years, I've foreseen she'd become a nice woman several years ago. Now she is 15 or something and already nice, some more years of maturation and then I can harvest. She's in my school, but I actually met her in 'War against Social anxiety', a club where people like me and her fight our social anxiety. I don't know what to do now though, I only said hi! a few times and when she asked questions i can't help to give very short answers. How do I make clear I'm available and willing to be her boyfriend? Can you give me advice (I can't handle this in my club as you can imagine). What do I do please help, I'm so in love & desperate. dim
  9. Dim


    *** in buckets
  10. Dim


    you're all crocodiles.
  11. not surprised to hear that from you.
  12. Dim

    this is a big deal

    kanye was right; beyonce > t swizzle
  13. when the germans saw the americans they couldn't stop laughing because ... . they died laughing! end of story!
  14. Dim

    what up

    that's more like it.
  15. Dim

    what up

  16. Dim

    what up

    what up fuckers, phillip is a gay who made this crap site email me.
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