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Everything posted by Dim

  1. Yo I heard phillip said she was an ugly ** and that he'd love it when she dies.
  2. Not talking about fake breasts or a big booty, kim kardashian is a ** I know. Taylor swift looks kind of childish speaking of her body. She has a nice face but not my type.
  3. Dim


    You're welcome, ilu man <3
  4. Dim


    Yeah you're pretty gay
  5. I don't understand what you all see in her. She has no curves naa mean?
  6. Tbh I never heard of her untill you came up with it.
  7. Dim


  8. Dim


    Go ahead. If your theory survives the ages you might be the reason for many deaths while you did this just to make a point which doesn't really matter.
  9. Dim


    That's not english amigo. And it isn't meant for you amigos. Title says Asher Where is your seafood good for?
  10. Dim


    Cogito, ergo sum means I think therefor I am; Not I believe
  11. Dim


    I eat you with my Paƫlla
  12. Hey watch your mouth when talking to `Pure!
  13. Yo join my clan here are some pics Here's a pk vid
  14. Dim


  15. Dim


    You're all missing the point. Do you really think (non believers) that every believer believes in a god that sits on a throne somewhere in the clouds, that sits next to the people who passed away? The bible is not a book to prove there is a god, it is a guideline. I also know there are 'bad' laws in the bible like many laws in Leviticus, but that doesn't mean you should ridicule that book. Many believers get brainwashed by the religion, sort of. Many Non-believers get brainwashed by the society. You guys read one opinion of one guy and take it for real, like andallo with his stupid movie. Have you never learned to handle every information you get with criticism?
  16. Dim

    Troll Successful

    Dude don't flame eachother, flame phillip
  17. Dim

    New Discussion Topic

    You are the Element 53 on the table of Mendeljev, In dutch.
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