Cheating when a clan gets the adv that i don't got overheads on???
I simply forgot to change books so I had to go without overheads, its was our loss more then frenzy's m8 lol so idk what you're talkin bout
Actually it's really easy to tank with turmoil even without overheads, the fact that you're one of the highest combat in FI makes sure you won't be a pile most of the time either so you're way stronger offensively. We don't really care though it's just a prep thanks for the event that late at night, we appreciate it.
There is like a 10% def bonus difference from rigour and turmoil which in this case wouldnt have made much difference. With todays weapons and everyone's almost maxed combat skills these days, no it is not easy to tank without overheads even with turmoil active; If you had more then 3 kids on me i doubt I would have been able to tank for more then 5 seconds lol. Knowing I was on curses should of made me 1 of the priority piles (aswell as considering I am also a main caller).
I don't really care either, just thought i'de verify :thumbsup: thanks again for the prep
having like 35 def, then getting around 30% def bonus compared to 25 is a big difference im not going to do any number crunching but remember it was a 20 def cap prep so the defensive bonus % is at a bigger advantage for this fight
Keep in mind if i didnt have turmoil, i'de have rigour which gives 20% def bonus. That would mean i'de still have 20% def bonus aswell as overheads if I were on normal prayers. Thus making it bad for me that I was on curses and unable to use my overheads (even if i had the turmoil bonus)
Thing is we can't really tell how helpful, as it would help if we happened to have a lot of say Rangers or Magers piling you, but it would be less helpful if we had more of every style piling you. This is also just talking about the defensive state of these prayers, you're still very valuable offensively ( lol @ this turning into a debate tbh)
You're thinking about the situation too hard lol, have 5+ of any style of attack on me and i'de get banged (it doesn't matter what style of attack was piling me because I couldn't protect from any style). Thats like how I said before;
With that being said I should have been one of the first piles and the offensiveness of turmoil would have 0 effect ;p
And idk debates are fun when there is no flame involved hence why this has been going on for so long without either of us flaming lool