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Everything posted by Viesturs
Yet in many ways the MEDC countries are limiting globalization by protecting their own production in many fields. Both EU and US have significant agricultural subsidies that especially hurt the trade of many heavily agricultural LEDC economies. It is not at all impossible to imagine China and India setting similar subsidies in the future on their industry as the growth of GDP/capita brings wages and prices up. Globalization can easily be limited with such measures, so it is simply a question of whether it should be done or not. Which an increasing amount of people see as a viable solution to many problems. Especially in Europe xenophobia has been on the rise lately due to increasing amounts of immigrants from 3rd world countries, which has increased domestic crime and both social and economic costs. While the gap is because of the rich becoming richer in the absolute sense, it also means that the poor are becoming poorer in a relative sense. The amount of money you have is irrelevant, it is how much that money can buy you. As the rich gain a larger percentage of the overall capital, the poor also have less purchase power and become, in effect, poorer. That last sentence is not true. World Commission A FAIR GLOBALIZATION: CREATING OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL (2004) The poorest countries have not moved forward at all in past 100 years. The amount of world population living in absolute povery is expected to rise by 1 billion people by 2015. I'm not expressing an opinion on whether its right or wrong, it's simply a fact. The poorest countries in the world are only getting poorer and they are not expected to rise out of their poverty at the current rate. You are mistaken, globalization is the factor that has led to these results. Globalization has enabled the current economic growth, which is the reason for all our environmental problems. Globalization and the unfair rules of globalization is why many African countries are burdened under huge debts that they'll never be able to pay, effectively destroying all attempts to create real growth. First of all, I'd just like to mention that I love these kind of topics and it's awesome discussing this ;) So you say that MEDC's are promoting and defending their own markets in certain fields, which of course is true. But, the primary goal of that is to benefit economically and not become more independent. The general trend is that it's much cheaper to import goods than to produce them locally, however that puts a lot of jobs at risk, for example butchers, local grocery stores and other outlets of the sorts. By limiting the influx of products or by promoting local products it helps stabilize the local economy as well as create jobs. However it would still be far cheaper to buy cheap products in bulk from LEDC's. Thus the popularity of Tescos and WallMarts and whatnot. Additionally, a country cannot deal independently with most factors. Natural resources for one - gas, coal, oil and water are among a few. As much as every country would like to have their own reserves of each and every one of those, that's not the case. Tropical goods ranging from coffee to fruit are another big one. Countless examples of these can be found in nearly every single sector. But the truth is that Globalization does not just affect us economically. Look at Facebook, look at Youtube, look at Runescape... they are all examples of globalization. Social and political factors are as important as economic when talking about the growing interdependence of countries. Anyway, moving on. The increase of immigrants has indeed resulted in an increase in crime rates and put strain on the society, however it is clear that there certain barriers which prevent it from bring beneficial. The language barrier, social barrier and educational barrier are just a few. I'm not saying that we can really do much about it, however if the governements were to pay more attention to the integration of immigrants into the community, it might even bring some benefit. Racism is the biggest barrier of them all, the hostility of locals and the lack of opportunity leaves the immigrants with little chance of finding a good paying job in a group of people who don't want to beat him up and kick him out of the country due to that fact that one of their friends got demoted so that the immigrant could work there. (random and weird example ik ik..) Okay, yes I agree that the poor might be worse off financially due to the ever-increasing gap between them and the rich, however you also have to admit that overall the standard of living of the poor increases as more money is invested into healthcare and education by the rich government. But basically, here you show, the well discussed fact that the GDP is a bad indicator of development and then in your next point proceed to compare the levels of development by using it :D Look at these : http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/pdf/MDG_FS_1_EN.pdf or really any of the 8 goals at http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/stats.shtml You will see that overall, while the progress is relatively slow, hunger, AIDS, maternal deaths and education are getting significantly better. As to your last point, debt relief is becoming more and more common nowadays, the international market borders are being opened up both by NGO's as well as governments. Africa is a great asset to the world and has vast quantities of, yet to be discovered, natural resources. AS to the environmental factors, I'm not too sure what to think, however, I'd say that globalization is both the cause and the answer. It is only through international cooperation that we will be able to jointly start repairing the damage done. The one one thing about globalization which I really dislike is the cultural imperialism. The rapid spread of information, people and cultures has resulted in the creation of this perfect western culture. The countries that attempt to adapt to this new culture frequently forget their own rich heritage. And this works both ways. I had an extensive case study about the Dani tribe in one of my geography books. The gist of it was that when the Dani were discovered masses of missionaries start coming in trying to convert the Dani and as a result ****** up their idyllic lifestyle. Here's a little bit, but not much http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dani_people
Btw, I heard page 40 is comming up. EDIT: woops, there it is!
Fix'em up already....
Globalization is an unavoidable by-product of modern day society. The question whether we have gone too far is incorrect, since countries are growing increasingly dependent on each other, which in turn, means that we cannot really limit globalization. While your explanation of globalization is fundamentally correct, the main aspects which it is based on are social, political and economical, meaning that if we, for some reason, would want to slow it down, it would ultimately end in the alienation of countries. It is true that rich-poor gap is continually increasing, however that does not indicate anything other than the fact that the rich are becoming richer (it does not mean that the poor are becoming poorer). Just look at everything which is being done. The Millennium Development Goals, global aid and increasing attempts to involve the LEDC's in international markets. Overall, the 3rd world countries are moving forward, it's just that MEDC's are moving quicker. As to "Critics say that globalization is why an increasing amount of the world population is doomed to poverty and famine and environmental issues such as pollution and loss of biodiversity have become an issue all around the world." I'm fairly sure that globalization has actually very little effect on these factors, however maybe I'm simply misunderstanding the point...
Tribulation Vs. Control 30 mins prep Wildy runin
Viesturs replied to Farcast's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
It's good to see a f2p based clan goin up vs a p2p based clan outopted. And doing it in wildy is a very nice touch. This is what pure warring should be about. -
Well done Integrity.
Exiled Force Saturday; God Mode Entered May 21st 2011
Viesturs replied to Daddy's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
#bankloot I thought Mafia said he was gonna call his goons off our topics ^>^ and if you watch the vid we had loads of fun :P just stop by #clan-ef and ask all our members about the epicness Only if there was anyone in IRC to ask, and btw yesterday was Saturday, not Sunday The boys; they're back in town Gj... As long as your members have fun, keep it up. Just one question, with a 40 people pull, why not ask CP or other clans with similar pulls for a run-in instead of hunting clans with pulls half of yours? -
I admire your artistic talents my dear friend. As well as your abstract representation of the long suppressed truth that Mafia does indeed have sexual relations with males.
I reckon you should check us out at #negative ;) As Mafia said, we are doing great in both servers and are one of the most stable clans in our league :) We have been open for quite a while now and have had our ups and downs, however what nearly every Negative, ex-Negative and soon-to-be-Negative will tell you is that we have one of the friendliest and most incredible communities out there! So yeah, pop-in an intro and see for yourself ;) If you're looking for something a little higher leveled I'd say check out Fatality or MM :) Both have wonderful communities.
I'm going to suggest something rather extreme, but bear with me on this one, ok? Well, here it goes... How about reading the topic?
Just get that range to 70 and Negative is the place for you :) I reckon you should intro on a few clan's forums and just find which community best suits you and your needs :)
I agree that this messing with IRL is a bit too far... HOWEVER I also kind of support it to the extent that it will discourage further scamming. There are fk loads of people who have spent years on makign their account what it is today, and then some little fk scams them/ gets defence or messes it all up for them in one way or another. You might retort saying this is just a game and things like that don't really matter, however it's the time you've invested which matters. I don't believe anyone will try to scam others if there was a possibility of a male striper showing up to your house while your eating dinner with your parents. But then again, I'm sure this could be settled more rationally by, for instance, creating a blacklist or something of the sorts. Oh and yeah, try dividing your text into paragraphs, otherwise it's a pain in the ass to read it.
My first clan was LEP. Joined it in 2008 and am still an active member. I didn't learn much about warring, however I did learn about the importance of discipline along with some neat tactics. LEP is a country clan and our trips take place at different times than these clans, which is why I was allowed to multiclan. My first clan in the competitive pure clanning was Elysium and I stayed in it till it closed. Met a lot of cool people, learned more about pure warfare and learned some new skills. When Elysium closed I took a break. Came back and was unsure about whether to return to clanning or not, however after chatting some old friends from Elysium I got convinced to join Negative. Been in it since :)
Keep the effects, change the pic.
The saturday was sooooo much fun.
Doesn't happen to me, however I do frequently get the pop-up saying that I haven't logged out from the previous session fairly often, even though it's the first time I log in in a while.
Dear Mafia, I believe you would enjoy your stay at Negative due to numerous reasons, which I cbf to list. However, you do seem awfully familiar, what were your previous clans?
EF, no doubt about it.
:no: no just no..... Gj Negative and great pull :thumbsup: Strike Team i believe. National Wave are Lithuanians, while Strike Team are Estonians. :thumbsup:
Was a very fun event :) Hope to have more!
Our son has been playing up recently and the wife said to me, "He's turning out to be a right big ****." "Not surprising," I replied, "as that's where he came from." "Yes," she said, "he's also a little *****." *****. Yuck... joke ruined by filters.
Loved the weekend. Lookin forward to tonight.
[Ambition] vs [Fatality] ~ P2P Prep/Large mini
Viesturs replied to Mitch's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
Lol outleveling Fi :D Quite an impressive feat. Gj on the fight Ambition :)