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Everything posted by Viesturs

  1. #1 in our league. Untouchable.
  2. Good job Defiance, keep them HPC's raging.
  3. Viesturs


    Well fought Malice :)
  4. It was actually supposed to be Negative + Defiance vs Exiled Force + WAR, however it ended up being N + DF vs WAR + EF + Striketeam vs BV. Gj on the trip, you did well.
  5. I actualyl had this dilema when I was joining. It was whether to join Malice which was reopening (a few friends in there) or Negative which had just openned (Mikey's friendly attitude was pretty damn convincing). I ended up joining Negative because 1) It was more 60s-friendly; 2) Friendlier community. But I gotta admit Malice has some of the funniest people around. In general, I wouldn't join a clan spontaneously. I would register in a forum, look around and if I liked it I'd join, no matter how old/new the clan is.
  6. I love how someone whose first language clearly isn't english gets flamed for having bad grammar. I also am unable to understand how you managed to go from a decent question to a full-out flame war. OT: I believe that there should be some sort of criteria, which would allow to determine who is #1. It could be a war, a combination of events, a mini...it could be w/e.
  7. A 70+ stat can be gotten in a week if you try hard ;) Hope to see you in Negative soon!
  8. Fun, strong and awesome clan ^_^
  9. Well umm, you either mass randoms, create a forum, get every1 to join and become official, or you mass randoms, make a freeweb, declare yourself official and keep massing randoms. So far quite a few clans fit the latter scenario.
  10. Negative are a bunch of beasts... You guys will go far!
  11. The generation who founded the Baltic pure clans, is the one who grew up during/rigth after the wars. Since an early age, we have grown up to take pride in our country, something which a lot of you wouldn't understand. It also allows us to from an elite, unique community which, contrary to big clans, is based upon friendship. It seems that a lot of Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians(not so noticeable maybe) play RS only because we stick together. Unlike other nationalities, who don't really give a sh!t about anything but being #1.
  12. THE friendliest clan I know. They also got some amazing leaders and a great warring squad. Growing really quickly :) Negative #1.
  13. Hmm any1 actually know waht the word "Pure" means? I was under the impression that "Pure" meant that the account was based "Purely" on a certain stat. So basically, all of your arguments are invalid. There are strenght pures, there are range pures, there are mage pures, there are def pures, and then there are Hybrids and Tribrids. The def cap put on by the peers signifies nothing but an attempt to enjoy the game differently than others, or mains in this case. So if the community wants to raise the def cap - sure go ahead, but please don't go about calling yourself pure.
  14. Price won't crash(any more than they already have). They will fluctuate a little but that's about it. As to the G.E. from what I understand it'll be something like this: No trade limit, the G.E. will still be there and you will be a ble to offer a price for an item. In other words, you'll be able to sell a Rune Scimitar for 100k, as long as someone else will be ready to put up the price, and vice versa.
  15. I appreciate the enthusiasm/ spam, but I have decided to wait till wildy re-opens before I make my final decision.
  16. Yeah I was, but right at that moment all the clans were closing/ falling appart and little random ones sprung up, which eventually failed aswell, so I decided to just lay back for a while until people setle down.
  17. I'm currently a member of LEP, which is a country clan, however, since we're fairly small, I'm missing out on a lot of the bigger action. So basically, I'm looking for a very well organized f2p clan. Needless to say, our trip times do not overlap with other clans so I can assure it will not be a problem. I have no interest in p2p. I have 2 pures, I would love to find a nice clan for my level 58 ( I will not train cmbt up due to LEP juniors req's), however I think that my 75 will be better for warring/ clanning. Even though the stats suck, I have quite a bit of experience under my belt, which could turn out be fairly useful. 58 75
  18. Sorry but pk team wise there are a fk load of them out there, especially lvl 50s. From what I've seen with LEP they don't usually last more than a couple of months. Just come to w57/ w136 at around 7pm GMT+2 on a sunday/ saturday and you'll see that there are already whole bunch of teams - both massers and actual pk teams. If you do end up making one - you'll get cleared qutie fast and will end up either massing or merging with another team, if not completely falling appart.
  19. It's all about leadership. If a clan reopens with the same leaders/ principals and dedication it's reputation will not diminish, as long as the leaders maintain a fairly strong discipline.
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