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Everything posted by Drunk

  1. You crashed our fight and ran, we never gave up lol. Glad you guys did well though
  2. We were in multi our whole fight o.O? Was fun though.
  3. I still think ours was higher and either way since when does KDR determine a winner? Just watch these two vids, it basically sums up what happened. The only times we were in single was after clearing you while having small 5 man tlp regroups rush us to drag the fight out..
  4. No reason to be immature. Our point of the trip, look at the pictures. Rerushing after us clearing you; we just killed you again. You were dead, we wentto single to get full ending, you rerush so we stepped back into multi and killed you again. Basically sums up that fight. No reason to flame like I said earlier. I am sure you guys had fun too since it was a pretty close fight.
  5. After we cleared you, you rerushed. Why should you get new food and prayer and we don't? Either way we rerushed u and cleared you again. Dont start crap If you cleared us why would we beat east and you west? We cleared you east as you can see. Went to NE Stairs, you had a few people trying to drag it out. AFter clearing you again we tried to leave and go to mossies but u rerushed us, and then we once again cleared u. Don't you remember? You were there. Also thanks for the mature Response, hope you had fun too.
  6. After we cleared you, you rerushed. Why should you get new food and prayer and we don't? Either way we rerushed u and cleared you again. Dont start crap
  7. Was a fun trip, the last fight was a little sketchy with regroups and rerushing small groups but in the end it was fun for both sides I hope. I vidded the last fight vs Tlp, I know someone vidded the entire trip though. Will post when up :D Once again, Ty for fights TLP. No negative feelings, just posting our view of today. If you have a problem with our topic you may pm me in irc [CP]Drunk , If I don't answer its because I am owning in pingpong l0l
  8. Lol we had 12 and you had 18 in the first to 100. I am proud of my level 70s for getting to 62 kills. You literally had all 100s give or take a few.
  9. just shut up and stop concerning yourself about things that don't concern you. go ***** about it to your mirror. We don't pay attention to little guys like you that were in sanctity or some other 2 month clan. fun trip guys Your clans terrable..... You now have to use addy to win fights, I prefer to be in a ****** clan like sanctity then to be in CP. Sorry for closing Th.
  10. Reading all the flames.. and then looking at urself in the mirror and realizing your so much better looking than them.
  11. You too, hope we can get some clean run ins tomorrow. and NAH xVideos we will just crash since according to you that's all we do :thumbsup:
  12. Embarrassed* No need to flame us.. Its a game man.
  13. We didn't need to pm you, i knew where you were the entire trip. Was fun, ty for loot.
  14. Drunk

    Excel vs Enemy

    Good job XL. Nice pull to both clans for a mid week
  15. Should have sat to match regardless of numbers I guess.
  16. Play CP Already, we raped nme twice. Lets go kids
  17. GJ, shame you crashed our fight vs IR. Surprised we were in mossies? Probably because Foe was crashing but okay.
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