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Everything posted by Drunk

  1. Great job TLP, will be a very interesting summer.
  2. Tabbed out? Pretty sure he was in 24 wildy.
  3. Doesn't matter either way, we still had fun + a lot of laughs, and thats all that matters in the end :D. Exactly :) we were just looking for one certain guy in your clan :thumbsup:
  4. Was fun, sorry for hitting you so much. No personal intention.
  5. Looked really fun, Great job TLP.
  6. A lot of tension on this topic. Some angry campers.
  7. Was fun, thanks for all the fights. And Dennis Jr, Tldh, calm down. It was a f2p pk trip and we kicked some ass.
  8. Support, or at least just not world 172 :P
  9. IRC: #Clan-CP Forums: http://www.corruptpu...nvisionzone.com Memberlist: http://www.runehead....php?clan=ceepee VIDEOS: WAR approached CP with a 30 Minute PKRI in the wilderness this Wednesday after noon. We had 31 people ready to fight As War began to set up at GDZ to defend they alert us that CPR is crashing them. We quickly potted up, rushed gdz and killed a few. After setting up to rush the main group of CPR on New Gate we were able to push onto them and take the win. As we were getting our final fall in for opts we peaked at 37 people. Great activity CP :D Thanks for the fight CPR, wish you didn't crash though :\ Later on we also ran into a few Jaja members at 50 ports and were able to get a bit of loot. Waiting on Pics.
  10. Not sure why this was posted but alright. Was fun I guess.
  11. Was fun, wish you didn't crash our fights though
  12. CP in a slump? you've lost your last 2 preps, one in which the other clan decided to use fire blast against you and they still won , yep , definately us thats in a slump facedesk, your topic was hidden because it was false information as we've spoken to mods already. want to get a real prep going now? best of 3 50v50 minimum? answer would most likely be no see ya tomorrow if you decide to fight, i'll do a 2v1 if u want to. Solo you really need to chill out. It was just a prep lol.
  13. Hands down, Fi vs MM Full out war in 2006. Fi beat MM for like three weeks straight. Come war day, MM came our WINNARS
  14. Good job Zenith, nice pull to both clans. No need for the flame though :(
  15. & Damn.. how did you know we were using this one prep to get out of our "slump". Mastermind man :rolleyes:
  16. The third was redone because we were ddosed and we pmed EOP officials to hold up on their rush. Milky agreed to it as well.. Why would we do two pkri on plat in a row?
  17. Well done TLP :D Nice pull to both clans.
  18. We gave proof because you guys made up some bs lol. you guys just won't quit LOL
  19. Support, we pmed chat logs. Was fun Eop. Thanks for the fight.
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