He wasn't actually, PM me on IRC if you want pics of all the CP there :P
Seeing as you only had pics of Bvb. I guess thats what you do though on PW to make you look good :\
Not trying to start anything on PW since its just a game but cmon guys, you fought FI, not CP.
Not trying to look good, just posting what actually happened. A good handful of CP were there, why would I leave that out? I didn't even mention CP in the actual topic, I let the pics speak for themselves. If you're going to get mad about it tell your members to stay away from our fights. With that being said here you go.
Sorry pal, 4 out of those 5 aren't even in CP. I know your really trying :\
Thought you would say that :P
[18:27:24] <@[CT]Charlie> !clan leader nefy
[18:27:26] -[QC]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Leader Nefy is in Corrupt Pures | Members: 60 | Average combat: 80.4/84.48 | Links: http://rly.cc/ml/ceepee :: http://www.corruptpures.com/
[18:26:52] <@[CT]Charlie> !clan nefy
[18:26:54] -[QC]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Nefy is in Corrupt Pures and Team CP. | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=nefy
[18:25:15] <@[CT]Charlie> !clan corrupt town
[18:25:17] -[QC]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Corrupt Town is in 3 clans. First 2 clans: Corrupt Pures, Team Barragely | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=corrupt_town
[18:19:47] -[QC]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Messi Nlgga is in Corrupt Pures | Members: 60 | Average combat: 80.4/84.48 | Links: http://rly.cc/ml/ceepee :: http://www.corruptpures.com/
[18:18:28] <@[CT]Charlie> !clan mustuks
[18:18:30] -[QC]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Mustuks is in 5 clans. First 2 clans: ConspiracyRs, Corrupt Pures | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=mustuks
Like I said buddy, your just putting so much time into this lol. You look so stupid right now l0ll0l