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Everything posted by Goop

  1. Is there a certain way you're supposed to act like on a game?
  2. I was aiming for over 9,000 the song got annoying though lul
  3. [9:37:43 PM] -[CU]RuneScript- *** [ URBAN ]: Definitions: 7 | "pirate" 1. The pirate is an oft misunderstood individual who can be seen absolutely pwning everyone around him/her. Well versed in the arts of cheekiness, deceit, extortion(sp), theft, blackmail, smarmery, and crazy acrobatic sword and or knife fighting. The pirate always lands on his feet, and always wins, even when you think not. naturally hates the ninja, as ninjas are overated far too serious for [9:37:44 PM] -[CU]RuneScript- *** [ URBAN ]: Example: ninja:ha! i have found you! now i shall avenge my family's honor! | pirate:psshh. **** off ********. yer mum liked it. | ninja: how dare you! devil! now you DIE!! | pirate: well, you are a sensitive boy aren't you? -proceeds to taunt ninja untill ninja rushes forward in a rage, trips ninja and takes his shoes and his wallet- | ninja: i will find you..... | pirate: bring yer sister. -walks away whistling- nuf said
  4. Because they changed their names retart.
  5. 0k4y m4n i am s0 s0rry that my m3mb3rs like t0 ch4ng3 their run3scap3 names l0000l so pls stop making runescape jokes ur hurting my runescape feelings =c Dang we own, so now we're like what Hackers Massers Ddosers Crashers Skillers Mains I wonder what other exuses people can make, zomg u all got owned by skillers, all eop does is ddos people @ magic trees so they get them all, then they hack them and get 30 def and turn into mains and join eop to mass more then they crash wars lolwat 2fuunay
  6. 0k4y dud3 1 d1d 1t r u run3sc4p3 h4ppy 4 m3 n0w loooooool
  7. If by steamroll you mean running into non multi everytime you hear the letters "EOP" then okay Drunk. Was fun, no need to hate mang idk why you always talk **** about me in vent after a nice IRC convo 2faced meanie head.
  8. We were not trying to close you guys, Our brand new warlord put that as his CC topic because he was ******, anyway no point in talking here. Good Bye
  9. We gave DP/CP respect and they spit on it as soon as we lost numbers, now we're back what do you expect us to do the same ****? Everyone told me this was Rob's doing aswell so i want the apology from him, otherwise free plunder for EOP.
  10. Why do you think we're doing this? Last time EOP peaked we anti-crashed CP & DP ALL THE TIME, then our numbers dropped and you guys hit us when we were pulling 40's spamming **** like "DP CLOSES?" just because our new warlord put it into his cc. All it takes is an apology, and promise you'll never do it again ;)
  11. EOP is on the peak of its 5 year birthday, we have been through thick in thin, respected & disrespected. EOP was started by 2 Leaders & 10 Members, pking at hills calling themselves reddies turning into a organized clan pking @ gdz with 40 people. We've been doubted time after time, being voted the clan most likely to close, proving them wrong TIME AFTER TIME, we stick in there time after time pushing it to the limit. We are finally back to prove you wrong once and for all in every aspect, we are here to teach you all that RuneScape is a ******* game and you all need to lighten up, a clan is clan no matter what you pull. Dedicated to: Old P K 3 R, The H A R V, Lovinthemage, Um y0 momma Leaders who pushed their clan to the limit, even if it meant falling for a few months. Doubt us and we will strive to prove you wrong, Get no respect give no respect for we are pirates You may Crash us, You may Slump us, but you will never Stop us. EOP Peaked at 75 Loyal Pirates ready to plunder www.eop-rs.com .:VIDEOS:. .:Dirt Wolf:. .:Dankychu:. .:I Sephir0t I:. We start of our trip by Rushing FOE, we were originally aiming for DP/CP but they wouldn't come out of hiding so we changed courses and aimed for FOE EOP Starting: 73 FOE Starting: 60 EOP Ending: 60 FOE Ending: 10 in non multi After that we head to the bank/pray, quickly got a track on CP, they were hiding w 21 around SC, so we decide to rush and quickly push them into non multi. EOP Starting: 70 CP Starting: 62 EOP Ending: 64? - We kind of just pushed them the whole time CP Ending: 10 in non multi We hop back to a BH world hearing DP was at stairs in run into FOE instead at the level 18 Oblisk Portal Thingy EOP Starting: 70 FOE Starting: 60 EOP Ending: 60 FOE ending: 30 in Bh bank After that we bank & regroup and hop around for about 15 mins, DP/CP/FI wouldn't come out to battle so we decided to hit 2 birds with 1 stone EOP Starting: 70 FI Starting: 65 -As shown on DP Topic DP Starting: 62 -As shown on DP topic EOP Ending: 50 FI Ending: 10 Made it to Bh stairs DP Ending: 20 Ran to CW We cleared most of them before they made it to safe spots as seen in the video. Shortly after FI regroup @ Bh bank then wait dded in the ruins, so we decided to rush them head on and push them straight through the ruins the fight went on for about 10 mins EOP Starting: 60 FI Starting: 55 EOP Ending: 45? FI Ending: 0 in site Shortly after clearing them we hear of CP being in world 21 and find FI and MM fighting instead, we decided to stay off and then congrats the victors, Shortly after the victors rush us at chaos alter, both clans put up a good fight. EOP Starting: 64 MM Starting: 63 MM Ending: 58,000? Great fights everyone, No hard feelings on crashing ya'll, lighten up we're just a skilling clan :rolleyes:
  12. ^ Lmao yeah i was like, hey some EOP come with me lets rush mm naked and tele@@@@ lmaoroflroflroflbootedrunescapeloleopteleport30defmainsroflroflnumbersrunescapel mao 1.) MM 2.) DP/FI/FOE/CP - Exuses 10.) EOP - STOP CRASHING & DDOSING & BRINING 40 DEF U DUMB MEAN RUNESCAPE CLAN GO BAQ TEW WOODCUTTING RS DATING N SLUMPING U FING NAGGERS
  13. Dude, 5k spins on www.meatspin.com i fpwn.
  14. I didn't listen to toxic? I was in the fight myself i know for a fact there was no MM in site, maybe at the chaos alter opening but they didn't crash soo..
  15. None of your ranks ever asked me to come into TeamSpeak, Drunk and i talked in pm a while back,we were all cool and ****, then we downed cp and he tottally raged @ me, i was like whoa bro its rs. Its like when you take KFC from a black person, they freak the **** out, i was like wtf lol.
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