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January 9th 2010, We head out with about 90ish People, and had an amazing trip and pull.
It started off like any other trip, pretty dull at the start eventually after hopping 10 times and 50 mins into the trip looking for some clans, we finally get a lock on FOE and demolish them it was a good fight and MANY more are expected in the future.
*Side Note* We had many more fights then posted on this topic, which is why the subtitle is what it is, but they were too short to be included, good fight everyone.
Eruption of Pures Starting: 86
Final Ownage Elite Starting: 76 (Scouted)
Eruption of Pures Ending: 78
Final Ownage Elite Ending: 0
After about 30 more mins of walking around, trying to fight clans (rushed dp and cp 2 times, and IR 2 times but nothing worth posting) we finally find Fatality and exterminate them.
Eruption of Pures Starting: 80
Fatality Starting: 45ish
Eruption of Pures Ending: 80
Fatality Ending: 0
No pictures were posted on our forums of this fight, but you can watch our vids posted above.
Afterwards we pray and hop to another world and find FOE crashing a fight (DP vs CP) so we decide to come in and crash the crashers, and it was a great success we pin them inside fog for a while and hit them about 3x before they hop.
Eruption of Pures Starting: 78
Final Ownage Elite Starting: 52ish
Eruption of Pures Ending: 78
Final Ownage Elite Ending: 25 in fog
Not many pictures, likewise above you can watch the videos.
Good work everywun, let the Eruption begin.
/me overheads from haters