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Janurary 2nd 2010,
The beggining of a New Era, we decided to Begin the new year with a 'Big Bang' and we did exactually that peaking at around 98 People.
We started out our trip pretty dull just walking around waiting for some clans to step out, eventually we get a track on TLP and decide to hit them, moments before we do a main clan rushs us/them, we maintain ground and decide were still ganna rush TLP, about 1 min into the trip Epidemic logs in around us, but we thought they rushed so we pulled north just to see foe rushing Epidemic/EOP/TLP so we pull north west single mossies to regroup and rush, but as soon as we regroup MM rushes and pushes us all the way north, so we hop regroup about 85-90 and end up walking around some more untill eventually we find TLP again dded at sperm hill with around 70 people, by this time our opts had worn off too about 80 people so we rush anyway, we push them pretty much back into Cw till fi/dp/tgg/foe/cp rush and it just becomes a HUGE cluster.
I myself would say we held control of most of this fight, once the vid is out you will see aswell =p.
( I Am 100% Sure about EOP's Start/End, but only 75% sure about FI/DP's End Opts ~Confirm if you must)
EOP Starting .:81:.
EOP Ending .:73:.
TLP Starting .:70 (Scouted):.
TLP Ending .:20~30 In Cw:.
FI Starting .:60~?:.
FI Ending .:30ish:.
DP Starting .:70:.
DP Ending .:40~50:.
Destructive PURES CRASH
So after this cluster, we hop to safe world, Bank, Pray and regroup about 77-81 People, and quickly find a track on CP/FOE so we decide to Rush FOE.
It was a quick fight, we rushed portal, but they were very spread and ran into Bh so there wasnt much of a fight.
EOP Starting .:75:.
EOP Ending .:74?:.
FOE Starting .:63 (Scouted):.
FOE Ending .:30-45 The ones who made it into Bh in time:.
We chill in this world pretty much and bank/pray etc. end up finding Cp near hills and rush them for fun =p.
Cp was getting Ending Opts from there fight vs Foe when we hit them (Which we did not know)
Sorry Cp!
EOP Starting .:75:.
EOP Ending .:74?:.
CP Starting .:45 (Scouted):.
CP Ending .:20-30:.
We do the usuall, Regroup, Bank, Pray and as soon as we come out of Bh bank we decide to hit Foe again =p.
EOP Starting .:77:.
EOP Ending .:75:.
FOE Starting .:55 (Scouted):.
FOE Ending .:0:.
HAPPY NEW YEARS PW!@#@#$@#$@#$@ /Me Puts on Protect from Idiots :cool: