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Everything posted by Goop

  1. If you p2p I suggest Intense Redemption. If not, you know where to find us =x
  2. Goop

    Pure warfare

    I'm new to makeing gfx but i've learned a bit. Heres some of my art.
  3. Loves pixels will rape you (EOP)
  4. Its a messy topic because its like 8 topics merged into one lol
  5. ~If somone can tell me how to get rid of the white dots, please do =x~ ^ Well sorta lost our mini-war winning streak about a month ago, but we're back on track now, havent lost a mini in a few days :D *Note* Eop does not have a specific [Mini unit] we teach most of our pures how to mini, so that way if they are called we do not have worry about them "Makeing us lose". Whenever we get a mini, we spam our Irc, Not only pm certain members like various clans. Eruption of Pures vs Tlp Round 1 Eruption Of Pures Starting: 8 Tlp Starting: 8 Eruption Of Pures Ending: 4 Tlp Ending: 0 Round 2 Eruption Of Pures Starting: 7 Tlp Starting: 7 Eruption Of Pures Ending: 5 Tlp Ending: 0 Round 3 After we beat TLP 2-0, their members logged, not wanting a PKRI. So gf tlp. goodjob eop. Eruption of Pures VS Epidemic Round One: Starting Opts for both Clans: Eop Starting: 15 E Starting: 15 Enidng Opts for both Clans: Eop Ending: 1 (LORD OF JOOOOOOOOO <3, It came down to 1 vs 1, lord of joo vs pbs scout (pbs was ex eop)) E Ending:0 Round Two: Starting Opts for both Clans: Eop Starting: 15? E Starting: 15? Enidng Opts for both Clans: Eop Ending: 12 E Ending:0 Round three: Starting Opts for both Clans: Eop Starting: 10 E Starting: 10 Enidng Opts for both Clans: Eop Ending: 8 E Ending:0 GOOD JOB EOP! Eruption of Pures VS Mayhem Makers Round one: Eop Starting :: 11 MM Starting :: 11 Eop Ending :: 4 MM Ending :: 0 Round two: Eop Starting :: 12 MM Starting :: 12 Eop Ending :: 8 MM Ending :: 0 Round three: Eop Starting :: 11 MM Starting :: 11 Eop Ending :: 10 MM Ending ::0 Eruption of Pures VS Final Ownage Elite Round one: Eop Starting :: 9 Foe Starting :: 9 Eop Ending :: 5 Foe Ending :: 0 Round two: Eop Starting :: 10 Foe Starting :: 10 Eop Ending :: 0 Foe Ending :: 4 Round three: Eop Starting :: 11 Foe Starting :: 11 Eop Ending :: 9 Foe Ending :: 0 Eruption Of Pures vs Malice Round 1 Eruption Of Pures Starting: 13 Malice Starting: 13 Eruption Of Pures Ending: 10 Malice Ending: 0 Round 2 Eruption Of Pures Starting: 13 Malice Starting: 13 Eruption Of Pures Ending: 10 Malice Ending: 0 Round 3 We decided it would be fun if we all brought staffs and piled them with just our staffs :P and took out 3 of them :D Eruption Of Pures Starting: 13 Malice Starting: 13 Eruption Of Pures Ending: 0 Malice Ending: 7 Eruption Of Pures vs Against All Odds Round 1 Eruption Of Pures Starting: 6 AAO Starting: 6 Eruption Of Pures Ending: 4 AAO Ending: 0 Round 2 Eruption Of Pures Starting: 6 AAO Starting: 6 Eruption Of Pures Ending: 5 AAO Ending: 0 Round 3 Eruption Of Pures Starting: 6 AAO Starting: 6 Eruption Of Pures Ending: 5 AAO Ending: 0 Good fight to all clans, Thanks to All EOP Who came. JOIN US? - CHALLENGE US? www.eruptionofpures.ipbfree.com | #clan-eop Big thanks too, EOP, MM, CP, IR And Malice for being so god damn sexy :).
  6. Hmmm, Well. Around 2003 i quit my main, 2004-2006 I pked in my home world, World 20, it was the most fun i had in rs, i would log in, walk up to hills and just fight people. I started to watch vids on Rs, I looked up Runescape Clan wars, The vid of "The most ownage clan in runescape" came up, it was a vid by Di, So i decided to join some main clans and play my main again for a bit, I joined Gladz, eventualy got ranked, and later decided to retire my main again, So i look up "Pure clans" i saw vids of mm and mahatma made me want to train even more, so i got 60 attack, i checked MM's reqs and didn't reach them, my all time goal was to join MM and pk with Mahatma. So i kept training, i also looked into other clans, i checked Tlp's clan site, i was very interested but i decided not too.... So i went on pking in world 20, and one day about 3.5-4 years ago i was asked by a mate of mine (robin h 0 d ) who pked in world 20 to join this clan called "Eop", i asked him what is it etc... he explained to me all about it saying that we pk together and stuff, i was like oh ok, i'll app. I was already looking for a clan, i just didn't meet most of there reqs, I was close though. I apped to Eop as a Future App with 82 str 62 attack 4 def 71 hp.. about 3.5 years ago. So i apeard to my first pk trip, I didn't know to much i wasn't really the quiet guy either, i would always talk outloud and sorta get the ranks mad. But i slowly learned the ropes, around that time we would fight aao or bp, we hunted them week after week, i gained a rivalry with there clan leader (ye olde mage, 00 Rangex 00) so every week when Old P k 3 r would ask us what clan we should hunt, i would always say BP, and that we did we hunted them week after week waiting in a DD at the gap, we had mostly rangers and we did a thing called " The ranger dd of death" which was basicly a dd of rangers with a huge spam tower. It worked out well, eventualy we made BP close and there leader made them merge into us, so the next day i wake up and see about 30 apps and i was quiet amazed. We went on and we started to take chances, pulling about 60-70's at this time, we started getting hunted by this clan called Fatality, loseing every time and quickly gaining a rivalry, then 1 day we took a chance and decided to hit them, we hit them and demolish them loseing few people, from there on we hit them untill we gained the rank #1 pure clan in Rs, we had some amazing pk trips, dominateing Foe, Mm, Fi without banking, because we were in deep wild... We then 4 months later get declared on for our PCR and lose it due to inactive + unorganized members.. we lost about 10 members after because they clan hop.. but we decide to keep moveing, we hold our #2 rank for a while, until finaly Jagex takes the wild. We didn't do too well in the pcl era... but we kept on going, we had some hacking incedents, which lead to 60+ members leaveing, leaveing us with a 59 man memberlist, but we kept going and going. And here we are, still moveing.. December 21st 2006 - I was accepted as Fa Janurary 3rd 2007 - I was accepted as full member March 7th 2007 - I was promoted to Elite December 13th 2007 - I was promoted to High Council September 21st 2009 - I was promoted to EOP Leader
  7. Addies, you can buy 1k addies for 176k and i bet you'll pk something worth more then that within the 1k.
  8. Not the notorious 50 in mith again. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  9. o 1 + 1 = 2 I believe thats how many clans you've hopped to & from.
  10. Eruption of Pures. Great community, Great pk trips, wars, miniwars etc. We f2p & p2p 5 times a week. Most of our members are 99 ownageness too :)
  11. Eruption of Pures :) Eruptionofpures.ipbfree.com | #clan-eop Great community, Great style. When it comes to warring, We basicly never lose.
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