Preds today:
6.Rest, save for Eop, which ddosed CP's vent, Ddosed our vent, and had to team with Zenith just to get a pull.
**** today: EOP
Reason: See above
Explanations for rankings:
MM had a huge pull today, but I think they had invites and all that crap, AKA guests. On an unofficial note: I had a dream last night, that FI and MM last night were fighting, and all of a sudden, Speshls and Toxic fused into a Yugioh monster. I haven't watched or cared about Yugioh for 4 years.
FI had a medium to high pull, peaking at around 60 people. DP had the same opts as us. We would have won, because I saw DP losing their ground against us. I can't say what happened right as EOP crashed, because all I saw was a mass of white dots.
DP is explained in the above, though EOP crashed DP to the point where one of the leaders, because, according to EOP's Vilchez and Boi (Vilchez is EOP, and Boi is ex-Eop I assume, because he won't tell me otherwise in IRC) "We owned DP so much that one of the leaders ragequit and ended the trip".
I didn't see much of FOE today, because other than the cluster at Chaos Dwarves, I didn't see them during the rest of FI's trip. Chaos Dwarves is where MM rushed FI. FOE ran into the fray, due to there supposed to be a fight between FOE and FI. MM had decided to crash, and there was a cluster between the 3 clans, with FOE and FI trying to fight MM together. But, FOE, I assume, bailed out halfway through, because I recall either Davey or Mark saying FOE had disappeared, and FI was single-handedly fighting MM alone, meaning around 60 people vs. 80 people. Then, a clan named Exiled rush, and FI was forced to run up the North BH stairs and hop back to world 93.
CP, we didn't see the whole trip, save for at the end, before EOP decided to switch from DDOSing CP's vent to DDOSing our vent, with multiple bots that spammed comments. MM was clearing us at the time, due to their superior opts.
EOP, I would like to say in my opinion, have started to become bottomfeeders, due to their having to team up with Zenith just to have a decent pull. They have also decided to DDOS both CP's and FI's vents. Plus, they crashed the fight of FI vs DP, which in my opinion, Fatality was winning. This is the summary of reasons they don't deserve a rank on the top preds of today's F2P.
I would also like to state that this is mostly my opinion on what clans get what rank today, and how low or high, etc. etc., but most of this is what happened from my point of view during today's Fatality Saturday F2P pk trip.
Please don't flame, because this is mostly from my point of view.