Explain, because your wildy reasoning makes no sense to me.
CWA is a secluded area with limited distance and terrain to make movement calls with, wilderness is very open and requires far more organization and, of course, a leader to call these organized movements. I don't mean to offend you, but I doubt any leaders, except the ranks of FOE, know anything about what I'm talking about.
I doubt the new leadership of foe, but walli sure. The new guys got handed a number one clan and just use leaks to crash other fights. No work or strategy required - when the fights are evently matched, the experience of their old guys does the work for them, nothing else.
As for you lol, the last time we went head to head your only strategy was to return long enough for the heavy Dutch side to lose members. Against clans like NPO though I guess you do well.
Anyway back on topic, Clanwars has become such a single type of specialized fighting now, but there are a few tricks that you can throw in that show the knowledge of the callers. Wildy is so open to innovation in tactics, so yes I would agree that in a perfect community the wild would really bring out who is strategically better, but the crashing has got so far out of hand now that fights last an upwards of 10 seconds, so they show nothing other than which big clans have lost their old respect and desperately base their trips off of KDR.
But the top clan these days is obviously the one you have the most fun being apart of, even in such a **** pure community.
you're doubting wrong
> as if we never fought in the wild without leaks
> implying using leaks is bad when no clan is willing to fight
- because majority of the old school foe are still active, right?
not sure where you're getting your facts from or where the hate is coming from, but you need to chill lol
OT: wildy in the long-run