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Everything posted by Mark

  1. http://www.pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10670
  2. Let it be known that for a moment in time clans of the pure community dropped their own personal agendas in an attempt to create history and with that; Pure Warfare celebrated its second global event - Red vs. Blue. Red Team starting: ~250 The event started as planned inside the ruins east of BH crater. Red Team defending inside the furnace, and Blue Team rushed from the east to get the fight under way. The first portion of the fight took place largely inside the ruins. Teams traded ground for several minutes before the Blue Team was pushed south near the graveyard. At this point, Red Team held ground mostly inside and along the south wall of the ruins, doing its best to hold Blue team south. Through fast returning and perseverance, Blue Team eventually managed to push inside the south wall of ruins, and then expel Red Team from the ruins entirely. While Blue Team took a regroup north of the ruins, Red Team re-rushed from the ruins to push them towards corp entrance. Both teams fought hard for several long minutes, before Red Team was eventually able to gain enough ground to push Blue Team into single territory. Now I'm not going to ignore the fact that there were many crashers in attendance. This is to be expected of a fight of such proportions, especially so close to a safe area. I hope that everyone involved was able to enjoy the event despite the distractions. I'd also like to address the allegations that I participated in crashing the event. I participated in the event for the sole purpose of recording it, as can be seen in my footage. Please post images, videos and thoughts - I'll edit all forms of media into this post. I know there are several videos being edited and I'm sure many of you have images already uploaded. Videos: Images: Thanks.
  3. I'd like to consolidate all discussion into a single topic. As for being quicker to post, I'm dealing with a lot of distractions right now so please be patient.
  4. Sorry, I'm making an official recap topic as soon as possible.
  5. Mark

    Red vs Blue #2

    I will post a recap as soon as possible.
  6. I'll post an official recap topic, sorry
  7. There are 3 ranks for each team, these are the big men of the event and are the best people to seek for help and advice. Team-Red Ch JaM Gooper70 Fi Davey Team-Blue Drunkin R2h Failed Again Discepolo The Clan Chats Players are welcome to either use your own clans CC or one of the CC's available during the event. Red - Pwevent Red and Pweventred1. Blue - Pwevent Blue and Pweventblue1.
  8. Mark

    The Teams

    I've switched TLP with CH. With any luck you won't be seeing any more changes
  9. Mark

    The Teams

    I've switched Chaotic with Fatality. Apologizes for the last minute changes.
  10. Mark

    The Teams

    I had a topic up for 3 days asking clan leaders to submit ideas for changes, they were fine with this version. Teams are final
  11. Mark

    The Teams

    I've switched Fearless with Intense Redemption.
  12. October 26th baby, Miami vs Boston
  13. Mark

    The Teams

    As a whole, The Purewarfare staff wish you the very best of luck as both sides battle it out to claim the victory, and we all hope you get some delicious loot to feast upon for the night. There has been many questions regarding the event; and this thread hopefully clears them up. Question: Where are we massing, and in what world? Answer: Massing for the event will be at bounty hunter bank, The worlds are seperate for each team and please seek your own clan leader for this information. Question: What if we get crashed? Answer: It's unlikely that any clan will successfully crash 600+ pures, but if you are crashed you are advised to shift focus to eliminate the crashers. Question: Are we all going to use one big ventrillo/teamspeak? Answer: Unfortunatley, I do not no of one program that can hold that many players in; and so this question is simple. You can use your own clans communication channel. Question: If we need any help or we're lost, where do we go & who do we contact? Answer: Firstly clan chats' have been made for both red team and blue team, please check these at the bottom of this page to know which ones to enter, Secondly if you have Swiftkit/mIRC you can enter the channels set up known as #Pwevent (For all participants, mainly help channel), #Team-Blue and #Team-Red these channels are used for help and any questions you may need. Last of all, if you do need anyhelp then please do not hesitate to message your clan leader. They will provide you with the best information you may need to get yourself into the battle. Last years event began with a slight hiccup when the initial charge was not followed according to plan. Although the fight was still considered successful, we would prefer this years event took place in a more favorable location. To ensure we follow through this year, each teams initial charge will be led by [to be determined] There are 3 ranks for each team - these are the big men of the event and are the best people to seek for help and advice. Team-Red EOP CH FI CX FS CPR EF WAR H Team-Blue FOE TLP CP IR C Z EX The Clan Chats TBA I Wish both teams the best of luck, See you all at the event. Let the Destruction Begin :bomb_ie:
  14. There absolutely is, thanks for pointing him out.
  15. Mark

    Red vs Blue #2

    Sign-ups for the event have been up for the last 3 weeks, CX is already on the list
  16. Let's hear it ...really?
  17. Mark

    2 days

  18. Mark

    Red vs Blue #2

    I'll try and post the rest of the topics tomorrow. I have a busy schedule atm so I'm doing things as soon as the opportunity arises
  19. Hopefully served as a nice little warm up to all the clans participating in Red vs Blue
  20. Mark

    Red vs Blue #2

    Pure Warfare '10 The Great Pure War [R]ed Vs [B]lue Hello members of Pure Warfare, and welcome to our second Red vs Blue! Last year's event was enormously popular, and we would like to repeat this success with our now much wider community. For those of you not familiar with this event, the concept is simple. All current active pure clans are welcome to participate, and will be sorted into the fairest possible teams as per average attendances. On the day, the teams will come together to participate in what is anticipated to be the second series of the largest pure war in history. The Date has been determined- 10-9-10 The time has been chosen- Massing Time 3:00PM EST 8:00PM GMT Fight time 4:00PM EST 9:00 GMT The capes have been found. Found at the chaos alter. Red - Blue - We wish for you all to remain positive about this event and to have as much fun as possible. Although it will certainly be a very competitive event, I want to remind you to be friendly and that we're all participating for the same reason - to have fun! Clan Leaders, PLEASE VOTE IN THE "Clan Leaders" FORUM LOCATED TOWARDS THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SCREEN! For Clan Leaders http://www.pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10430 http://www.pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10430 http://www.pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10430 Thanks for reading!
  21. This is nothing new, I've seen it on multiple memorial pages. The thing is, there's some ****** up people out there who take pleasure in making other people angry or miserable. And the reason they do it is because they can hide behind an internet alias. One thing that annoys me personally is racism. I've met nary a racist person in the real world, yet online it's every other person spewing racial slurs. Again, it's people using an internet alias to hide behind. Maybe your outlet is RuneScape - theirs is Facebook.
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