As a whole, The Purewarfare staff wish you the very best of luck as both sides battle it out to claim the victory, and we all hope you get some delicious loot to feast upon for the night.
There has been many questions regarding the event; and this thread hopefully clears them up.
Question: Where are we massing, and in what world?
Answer: Massing for the event will be at bounty hunter bank, The worlds are seperate for each team and please seek your own clan leader for this information.
Question: What if we get crashed?
Answer: It's unlikely that any clan will successfully crash 600+ pures, but if you are crashed you are advised to shift focus to eliminate the crashers.
Question: Are we all going to use one big ventrillo/teamspeak?
Answer: Unfortunatley, I do not no of one program that can hold that many players in; and so this question is simple. You can use your own clans communication channel.
Question: If we need any help or we're lost, where do we go & who do we contact?
Answer: Firstly clan chats' have been made for both red team and blue team, please check these at the bottom of this page to know which ones to enter, Secondly if you have Swiftkit/mIRC you can enter the channels set up known as #Pwevent (For all participants, mainly help channel), #Team-Blue and #Team-Red these channels are used for help and any questions you may need. Last of all, if you do need anyhelp then please do not hesitate to message your clan leader. They will provide you with the best information you may need to get yourself into the battle.
Last years event began with a slight hiccup when the initial charge was not followed according to plan. Although the fight was still considered successful, we would prefer this years event took place in a more favorable location. To ensure we follow through this year, each teams initial charge will be led by [to be determined]
There are 3 ranks for each team - these are the big men of the event and are the best people to seek for help and advice.
The Clan Chats
I Wish both teams the best of luck, See you all at the event.
Let the Destruction Begin :bomb_ie: