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Everything posted by Mark

  1. I understand you apologized and agreed to stop, good on you. That's a step in the right direction. Now if everyone else in the community who uses mains had the same mindset we'd be getting somewhere
  2. Mark


    It's not exactly the most uncommon thing. If your Parents married young or you were conceived before marriage, they simply may not have been right for each other. If not, it was likely circumstances which neither of them were able to prevent or control. Either way it's important not to blame yourself and just accept it as a contingency of life.
  3. Mark

    Purple Grapes

    Make bets on how long it takes Pierz to reply :banana:
  4. This topic is not based on "The Destroyers," it was simply their actions that led to this topic being necessary. For all those people here saying change won't happen, it's because it's more convenient for you to have a problem than to fix it.
  5. Nice trip FOE, caught MM off guard real early on an already shaky trip Gl against TLP next week
  6. Mark

    CP vs MM

    Good fight CP. I like this last pic: My last ditch effort to drag CP backwards while we made quick piles. Wasn't even my death that lost it =\
  7. If they were clanless randoms any clan could easily deal with it. But I'm talking clans or their members deliberately using mains to harass another clans members
  8. I know stats don't matter for much, I learned how to PK on 61 65 63 years back. But that's not what my question was :P I mostly meant how do people model their stats based on where/how they prefer to pk
  9. Sunday: 1) FOE 2) DP 3) TLP 4) MM - Pulled 60ish, none of the main leaders or callers were on. Shame the pinkest clan couldn't have made a better debut on Valentines Day eh?
  10. Interesting to see how ML sizes will be affected by E's closure
  11. Please refrain from pointing fingers at other clans. It's safe to say almost every clan has been guilty of this at one point or another
  12. I don't want to drag on forever, so I'll try to stick to a few key points. Just skim over this topic, take in what I'm trying to say, and respond to it as you will. I'm not sure how or where is started, and the last thing I want anyone to do on this topic is start pointing fingers. Perhaps it stemmed off people using their mains to scout, or maybe using mains to handle those pesky random mains who sometimes find your high level members. Regardless, I feel as if mains play entirely too much a role in pure clanning than they should. As of now I feel as if it's gotten to the point where the situation must be addressed and discussed until the Pure Community as a whole can come to some sort of agreement on how this should be resolved. Now, I'm sure everyone in a clan has been on some sort of PK event where a high level main owned by an alleged competing clan member is harassing your clans high levels. I started noticing this months ago, and it's progressed to something much worse than the occasional main here and there. The worst I've seen took place this weekend, which in turn sprung up a topic in the staff section regarding a specific group of repeat offenders. Now, obviously PW isn't going to just go ahead and ban anyone who's done wrong by another person. A more practical solution would be to address the problem and hope for a mature discussion and solution (what I am attempting right now). If we continue the way we are, with each clan gradually bringing more and more mains to cope with competing clans mains, at what point can we continue to call ourselves pure clans? Why not have everyone hop on their main, and we'll have 10 hour long run-ins up at greater demons each weekend. Not to sound like JaGeX or anything, but it's just not in the spirit of the game to spend our time trying to frustrate the competition, rather than enjoy the competition for what it is. So, onto the bullet points. Is it possible for every pure clan to agree to set aside their high level main accounts? Is it possible for every pure clan to agree to reprimand members using mains to intentionally harass members of other clans? Is it possible for each clan to enjoy a trip with one another, rather than attempt to make another clans trip less enjoyable? Now, what is said and done on these forums is one thing, but to really make progress we have to start seeing positive changes in-game on the weekends in order for every clan to better enjoy themselves.
  13. Coulda done a bit better on the name, but I suppose that's personal preference. Good luck with the clan
  14. Shame we can't pyramid quote lol
  15. Good job CD, keep the low lvl clan scene alive
  16. I'm surprised FOE are the underdogs in this. I think people just want FOE to lose, rather than believe that TLP is better Good luck to both clans anyways
  17. Curious what you mean by that opts comment. MM maintained 85-90 the entire trip Friday: 1) FOE 2) MM 3) EOP Saturday: 1) MM 2) FOE 3) FI
  18. Forget clan PKing, I wish people would PK castle again
  19. Hey cool 2 feet of snow Hey cool I still have work every day
  20. A poor imitation of Zlad's Supersonik Elektronik
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