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Everything posted by Mark

  1. MM has the most overall kills atm, and we don't focus on lower clans. Basically only the top 3 because we get alot less competition
  2. The 2 fights you vidded weren't the best on my part lol. The first fight I took range/2h ammy switched etc but you just outlasted me. Second and 3rd fight I was out of 2hs so I just tried outlasting you instead, didn't work out lol
  3. Well done guys, reminds me of the Malice fights with LT. I'm not sure what the deal is, because LT always seems to be capable of pulling well. They just need to get some organization going :P Nicely done Omnicide
  4. Way to bump a topic from last year, Woof` :ermm:
  5. They refer to themselves as a "Rune Pure and Tank clan." The term "rune pure" itself is debatable, but "tank" is where I draw the line. They have players with defense ranging 40-99, which is not even close to the same ballpark as the traditional 1-20 defense.
  6. Pure clans will continue to pull so high that main clans will start hunting us, that way they can post topics on RSC about winning outnumbered
  7. Good job, love the edgeville pics just like old times haha
  8. Actually MM did KO everyone we saw wearing addy :blush:
  9. I had a good laugh at us KOing all the addy while A/C'ing EOP vs FOE
  10. We've gone PLAID :wink: Ye I just quoted Space Balls, and here's my video: (still processing atm)
  11. Right before the 2nd E fight I could only see like 3 people, then arrows starting flying through the air and you finally appear with just enough time for us to see you die lol
  12. Sat 1) MM 2) E -great fights 3) EOP 4) FOE 5) CP
  13. Good fight, took place all over the map lol. Started under BH by SC, moved into BH and finally to sperm hill. I was disappointed to see DP camped at cwars targeting our returners :down: but I guess the fight was already over then anyways First fight we had 65 give or take 1, the fight at sperm hill we had alot less maybe like 25-30, we just held you off with multi attacks until you overwhelmed us
  14. No, a fullout is a fullout, regardless of how the times have changed. Apps always close for fullouts. Before PCR existed as well. Back in 06 and 07 clan PK trips weren't 100% about hunting clans. If you could find a clan or ran into one fine, but other than that you would just PK. Kill randoms. Exactly what clans nowadays are so adamantly against. And that's why fullout wars have always held more bearing over a regular PK event. Traditional PKing and fullout wars were held in a much different regard. Any clan could give any clan a good fight in the old wild, and that's why if someone wanted to prove something it required an official fullout. You can say times change, but it's not often people do. There's still a large amount of old wild veterans who prefer fullouts to just some clan hunting trip.
  15. Posts aren't deleted, they're hidden if the content is found to be in excess of Spam, Flame, or Inappropriate Content. If your warn level has been added to, there's a forum where you can dispute the warning. If you find your posts are consistently being hidden, perhaps re-evaluate the content before posting. Flame baiting does qualify under flame, and if you see someone else doing it you are encouraged to report their post. Also, I think people all too often misuse the word "bias" when another person has an obverse opinion.
  16. Mark

    IR yo

    Looks like a fun trip
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