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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Idk what you scouted with 79 people but it wasn't MM lol, I'm pretty sure our run-in at hills we had like 65-70
  2. Good fights today although we did call off our 2nd fight with you as soon as mains started attacking us
  3. F2P run-ins 1) E 2) MM 3) EOP 4) FOE 5) CP 6) FI 7) DP 8) TGG
  4. Good fights today but I disagree with the information posted about crashing CP vs FOE. We didn't even see CP at all today save for one time at BH bank
  5. Saw you at that MM mini the other day man you should really check us out
  6. Just because we joined separate clans doesn't mean we hate eachother... We still hang in our IRC together and we still spent 2 years as a clan together. Talking down on a few of us is the same as talking down on all of us
  7. E got 9 intros/apps MM got 11 intros/apps As of now the rest stayed clanless or went to random clans
  8. Nah man you must be referring to FOE
  9. That's some ****** up **** you just laid on us
  10. He was in the clan with 25 def, I saw his app to become full member (ex-oldschool) right after getting 34 def. Nobody was even close to letting him in. He got like 1 sympathy yes vote lol
  11. Too many movies were released to even come close to covering them all, so I'll stick to the most popular films. (and obviously only films I've seen) Best of 09: Now these aren't my favorite films of the year, but I believe Pandorum and 2012 are somewhere in the top few. They both had excellent combinations of action, suspense, and drama. The story-lines were original and unique, and it's hard not to enjoy watching a struggling humanity prevail with a new beginning. Honorable Mentions Zombieland: If it's not the zombies that make you enjoy this film, the combination of comedy in it will certainly do the job. This film managed to be unique at the same time as being exactly what you want to see in a horror comedy. The humor was fresh and blended well with the occasional grieving, loneliness and closet depression of the main characters. Paranormal Activity: If you can see past the obvious stunt they try to play of this being unedited footage, and enjoy the movie on its own, the story was well played out and built on the suspense very well. By the end of this one you might find yourself sympathizing with the torment this young couple were forced through. Law Abiding Citizen: If not a bit far fetched, this movie has a legitimate point to get across and took enough dips and turns to keep you focused throughout the movie. Had a fair amount of action and really kept you guessing the whole way through. Worst of 09: Doghouse: Zombieland set a higher standard for horror-comedy, and seeing this after that really brought attention to all the cliche humor. The cliches may have been successful in Shaun Of The Dead, but definitely not this film. Most Disappointing: Funny people: I had high expectations of this film. Some of my favorite actors are in this one (Rogen, Sandler), and they played the parts well but the movie didn't live up the the standard of its title. It had it's moments, there was definitely decent humor throughout, but it was smothered by Sandler's clear-cut depression and family issues, which also contributed to a longer than necessary play time. Fanboys: Being the closet Star Wars fan that I am, and after seeing the trailer for this film, I had high expectations. The humor had its moments and the storyline was feasible at best (considering it was a movie lol) but the script-writing had some major weak points that were hard to cover up. If this movie had been released 5 years ago, I'd give it a 10/10.
  12. Mark


    There's a huge topic about this on MM forums, basically: -1 Million names = 1 million names on highscores -DL link is a text file = not keyloggable So yeah, everyone who downloads to find their name contributes to some sort of point system which he is using to earn real life money. Appears to be an elaborate hoax
  13. It was a pinned topic and it had every clans Forums/ML/IRC
  14. learn to pk ffs 09 pker armor off. take your chaps and leather body off or I pray
  15. There people go again trying to justify intentional defense. If you want better bonuses then just get all the bonuses and be a rune pure instead. VH/HF/PX would be happy to take you
  16. What happened to it? I used that a lot :(
  17. about 5-6 years ago when I first got into pures, I made a 20 def account because I thought, "Hey, some of this 20 def gear gives nice bonuses towards offense and defense. I'ma try this ****." So I train up a bit, got like 40 40 20, and everywhere I trained other pures would constantly flame me and call me a fake pure just for having 20 defense. I gave that account up straight away Look at where we are now? Clans with 30+ def full members. It's disgusting that people care that little about the history of pures that they'll do anything to justify a little defense. "Oh I had a few accidents so I thought I'd round it off" "Oh but it's for the offensive bonuses" No. If you get defense, at any time, for any intentional reason, you're not pure.
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