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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Hang out in #Malice IRC channel and get to know some people :)
  2. I'd like to view from overhead orbs, watch down on a fight
  3. Nice combat stats that's basically how I started out except I kept even HP too
  4. Nice job CY, although I was very disappointed in your 30min prep with Malice. You guys massed for 30mins past the designated start time and rushed us right after telling us you were still massing. Was very frustrating
  5. Gj EOP, gj juniors LOL I hate this guy: 40 93 40 in full rune fighting only pures, completely rapes my food before he eats like 5
  6. F2P run-ins 1) E 2) MM 3) FOE 4) EOP 5) CP 6) DP 7) FI 8) TGG 9) TLP 10) M
  7. This may be new to Staten Island, but the idea itself has been put to use already. A manager at an old job of mine about a year ago had one of these, he actually had to call off work a few times because his car wouldn't let him drive lmao
  8. Nice acc, stats are really similar to mine
  9. I'd play you but it was my old roommate who had the Wii. We used to play all the time
  10. To me pure is Hitpoints > Combat. I'm 90 hitpoints at 75 combat, so I'm 15 levels pure.
  11. You made us wait an hour for a 30 minute prep and you charged while telling us you were still massing
  12. What would you like me to change your starting opts to? So far every member of LT has given me a different number at this point
  13. You guys didn't have any problem telling me your opts after the war, but now that I've posted a topic you suddenly disagree with it? As soon as I asked in your channel, multiple people responded with an estimate in the area which I have posted. If it will satisfy your ego then I will change the starting opts. Keep in mind we do have a history of defeating you guys while outnumbered. And a side note to Karce, please take a look at this video: 3:04 - "Then someone crashed and we resumed it in clanwars." We cleared you and the crashers during the BH run-in, and we defeated you 2/3 rounds in clanwars. We also fought every round outnumbered, including the first where you had +8 on us. At least when we post false information it's accidental (and at fault of your own IRC users).
  14. Perhaps you're thinking of 32 in your original DD, not including your little unit which charged in later on, which totaled up to 43 overall. When I asked for opts I asked for your original plus your unit and that's what they told me
  15. An Op in your channel told me 43, and a Half-Op said 40-50
  16. Thanks everyone, added in Wowerson's video now. He got LT's options wrong but it's still very good. Also showed brief clips of our run-ins with CY and V0P
  17. Malice Vs. Lithuanians After a small Saturday turnout resulting from our recent forum hacking, we found ourselves thirsting for a bit more than just a few miniwars. Lithuanians came forward and offered us a prep, which we agreed to 40 minutes prep time, and it was to take place in BH at red spider ruins (or if you're in Malice, then it took place at Iwis' house). Malice starting: 29 Lithuanians starting: EXACTLY 34 people. No more. We thought we had scouted LT ahead of time with options similar to our own, so we went into it without much thought. We were slightly concerned in our ability to stay organized, as our audio program has been and will be offline until sometime tomorrow, but we still went into it with high hopes. Lithuanians had a DD near the fenced in area by the south wall, and Malice rushed from the east. Our charge quickly succeeded in pushing LT back inside the fenced in area, which worked enormously to our advantage. We were able to easily drag off their piles since they were being caught on the fence, and we were able to pile easily without harm from melee by shooting over the fence into them. Whenever an LT member chose to exit the fenced area we were able to quickly bind and KO them. At this point the Lithuanians options were dwindling while Malice options were still strong, when suddenly a mysterious pink caped team rushed in from the south entrance and targeted Malice. It was later discovered to be some sort of special unit of LT's, although I'm unsure why they chose to have them charge so late into the fight. Malice fell back away from LT's primary defending location and focused on the new addition to the battle. Their unit was quickly scattered and Malice was able to KO them one by one, eventually clearing all of LT from the ruins. Malice ending: 10-15 (Honestly forgot to check) Lithuanians ending: 0 IWIS VIDEO: WOWERSON VIDEO: (recommended)
  18. It's called constructive criticism, which is more than anyone else gave him on this topic
  19. Rated low. It was obvious it was your first time commentating anything. You sounded very unsure of yourself, and trailed off the fight several times just to comment on random things such as your 25 def, or a fight with CP, etc. You should speak up and sound excited, grab peoples attention. If you don't feel like speaking for very long, speed up the video. And definitely make sure you have a bit of privacy so you aren't responding to your mother in the next one.
  20. Grats on the wins, but I definitely disagree with the bragging about spying...
  21. Why are you complaining about advantages. The entire idea of being pure is to have an advantage over people with impure stats. I won't go into a discussion on defense because regardless of what is argued clans will still end up allowing 30. However, I really don't understand why you would complain about prayer. Say someone gets 70 prayer on their 1 def account which previously had 44 prayer. Consider it an offensive stat, their prayer lasts almost twice as long, basically an entire fight with likely some to spare. Wouldn't that be the equivalent of training your stats up to the boosted levels? For only 2 combat levels as well.
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