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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Let em take the spot that way the list officially has no meaning anymore
  2. Ok, so Malice decided we wanted a 30min prep with IR today. We were both massed, waiting for IR to defend. So we are getting ready to attack, and we see some IR rushing north towards the north wall of ruins, and I thought it was IR. IR and E have the same cape right? So I was told by Malice members they saw E spams instead of IR, so I got a fall in, headed to bank and ran into E on the way. We had a short scuffle and Malice ended up remassing a few at BH. We had some MM watching with no items and who saw the whole thing go down, they offered to mass up and help A/C for us. Seeing as IR and E had left, Malice+MM had a joint trip and spent an hour or so clearing out mains and massers on random worlds. Honestly, it was a lame thing to happen but I won't hold it against Epidemic for crashing. I have personally read posts from Zo saying he will intentionally crash anything Epidemic does, so what goes around comes around. Like Bob said, shame we were caught in the middle of it.
  3. Mark


    Did someone say Staking? And no trade limit? And young children won't play because they can't be bothered to understand? Yep, I'm game
  4. Over a period of 4 months, but honestly 50 attack isn't too bad. Huge improvement over 40 anyways Thanks, I seem to get that a lot. Not sure what it is though, maybe let me know so I can keep it up :P
  5. DNT CRY BRO Just kidding, but seriously. Being around other people while they cry is awkward
  6. I'll give you credit for the first fight, but killing them on login ain't much to talk about lol
  7. I'm playing, although I don't believe many other Malice are The real question: will there be pure clans on RSC separate from Rs2 pure clans?
  8. I'm sorry, would you please link me to one occasion of Malice crashing anything? The only time I can think of is DP vs CY, one time, which was completely justified if you take into account all the times DP and CY have teamed and crashed us personally. Seriously, I don't think you know what you're talking about at all lol.
  9. I've witnessed several MM fullouts, always in the wild and never crashed. I agree, clanwars is much different when both clans can pull more than 100. Why would you even want to crowd 200 people into that small an area for P2P? Seriously, just fight in the wild
  10. Hmmm, just checking in again. Yep, still awesome
  11. http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=Malice Team-40 (green) Edit: oo nvm I see your previous post
  12. Forgot to include FI 1) MM 2) FOE 3) E 4) CP/DP 5) DP/CP 6) TLP 7) FI/M 8) M/FI - Bad week for us, less than average attendance and were crashed alot as usual 9) IR/AX/A
  13. F2P today 1) MM 2) FOE 3) E 4) CP/DP 5) DP/CP 6) TLP 7) M - Bad week for us, less than average attendance and were crashed alot as usual 8) IR/AX/A
  14. Add Malice, although I'm not sure we have many P2P players so our numbers might turn up a bit smaller, still interested in seeing :P
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