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Everything posted by Mark

  1. I have my money on FOE due to consistency these past few months
  2. Not quite sure why the size of an ML has to do with anything. Sure, I like a smaller ML as much as the next guy. But really, in the greater scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all. I'd say Malice ML is a bit smaller than that btw. We have I think 15 trial members at this point, whether or not they successfully pass their trial period remains to be seen. And just a word for the wise, IR. Perhaps you should stop taking shots at other clans so frequently on these forums. If it's any wonder to you why people reacted the way they did to Zo's vent, I'll be very surprised.
  3. 13th you should at least cover up the MM members IPs I would think :unsure:
  4. I absolutely did forget about that :rolleyes:
  5. Ok, so you ran away. You didn't get cleared after all. Makes sense :P
  6. Zo, you're flaming on E's topic. Obviously he's going to let Epidemic have their own topic, he'd do the same if E was flaming yours.
  7. Just caught this part. I was watching MM's video, their CC shows them spamming off FOE and on TLP. Then it shows MM members saying that FOE was piling them anyways, so they ended up calling a regroup at BH.
  8. Thanks for the fight at hills, E. That was about an hour and a half to 2 hours into our trip actually, not so early. I'd like to compliment your attack on the hut. We didn't expect you to all run right in and try to take it from us, the majority of us being in robes/binding definitely didn't help our cause. Was definitely an epic fight with 80 people in that 5-by-5 house lol
  9. We only go out an hour later than other clans, so we can accommodate our Australian members who would otherwise have to wake up in the early hours of the morning just to attend. However, now that DST is in effect we'll be out at the normal times. Also, we spent the majority of our trip hunting other clans, who all seemed to end earlier than usual. Our CY fight was crashed by DV, which then ended CY's trip and DV was nowhere to be found afterward. Scouted DP with similar opts, who declined a run-in. Couldn't get a run-in with IR, so we ended up planning a run-in with Epidemic (which we lost) and a run-in with CP (which was crashed by Phalanx). We wanted a rematch with CP after we had teamed to clear Phalanx, but they decided to end. So the only thing left to do was fight Phalanx, which we continued to do for 40 minutes with half their options (beast returning on our part :P) Saturday Pred: 1) MM 2) FOE 3) E 4) CP 5) TLP 6) M 7) IR 8) DV 9) EOP 10) FI
  10. Well done FOE, shame TLP had a day like this
  11. Phalanx definitely enjoyed crashing us lol. Here's my pics: They had a video up called "Phalanx teaches Malice a lesson," but removed it :P
  12. I was scouting the whole day and saw everyone but them :huh: Rather than disagreeing with my list, make your own
  13. Saturday 1) MM - Pulled 100+, beasted everyone, well done 2) FOE - Put up a great fight to MM's peak, would have beaten below 3) E - Didn't quite have the numbers to beat FOE or MM today 4) CP - Pulled decently, heard you had a good fight with FOE 5) M - Competed with E and CP, tried to get more fights but below clans ended early and were scouted with less opts. Also had a 40 minute fight with Phalanx outnumbered 2-1 6) DV - didn't hear much from them, only saw them when they crashed our fight with CY 7) CY - Originally scouted with 40, by the time we had our run-in I scouted 35ish 8) DP - Scouted with 36, watched them hop and never saw afterward. Assuming they ended then. 9) FI - Didn't hear from or see you guys today :( 10) TLP - Same as FI Sorry I didn't include IR, we scouted you once with 51, but never really heard from you and didn't get a chance for a run-in. I'd likely place you around 5-7
  14. I think VD has this one. They've been around a bit longer, their average combat is higher, and their average hitpoints is actually above their average combat. VD also has 5 members with 70+ combat compared to AC's 2, and with ML's that small it will likely make a difference
  15. Maybe not. If RuneHead is directly linked to RS Hiscores, the names will likely change automatically
  16. Hmm that's a tough one, but if I had to guess, I'd say... the names?
  17. M and CP don't really have a problem with eachother tbh :huh:
  18. CP gave a few ranks to SD leadership. I don't wanna call anyone a liar, but that's pretty definitive of a merge :mellow:
  19. Party in Malice this Saturday apply and join the fun B)
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