Malice started our trip with I believe 38 people. Despite our lower attendance, we set out eager to test our skills against other clans. Our first hop we encountered Epidemic not far from our log-in location, and engaged them just above the graveyard by the crater. Epidemic at first scattered our numbers, so by the time we managed to group together again we had taken moderate losses. Our members fought fiercely to hold a gap in a fence, and had only managed to kill around 8-12 epidemic before we had been flanked by a large group of E and taken out.
From there, we regrouped and stalked the wild, scouting through several worlds before locating DP, where we attacked just below clan wars.
Malice vs. Destructive Pures vs. Calamity
Malice starting: 36
Destructive Pures starting: 20
Calamity starting: 24
Malice quickly rushed into the trees south of clan wars and attacked DP. At first both clans swarmed inside of one another, but malice managed to begin pushing DP north and out of the trees. From there, we began a full push to clear all the DP and force the remainder into clan wars. Before we could accomplish this task however, CY charged from the south and entered the fight.
At first Malice hesitated on how to react, and took a few losses. But with some quick calls on Mumble we grouped up inside the ghost hut on the hill and began our offensive there. At this point, DP had called a fall in and was moving south, planning to come up underneath Malice and CY. It was a large cluster to begin with, but Malice held it's ground until all other clans had left to regroup.
Malice ending: 29
Destructive Pures ending: 0
Calamity ending: 19 (in clan wars)
Malice vs. Veneratio
Malice starting: 28
Veneratio starting: 10-15
Malice had not yet banked from the cluster fight, and were beginning to head to the crater to do so. We had 28 people with us, and a few who were returning. We encountered VO directly underneath the graveyard and rushed. VO scattered almost immediately, and we killed off a few while the rest ran to BH/clan wars.
Malice ending: 28
Veneratio ending: 10ish
Malice vs. Destructive Pures
Malice starting: 29
Destructive Pures starting: 21
After clearing VO, we wanted to avoid a hit and run confrontation at crater so we headed to pray at the altar and bank at FoG instead. While praying, DP hit us again and we started to fight in the bottleneck of the chaos altar. They pushed hard at first, and Malice lost numbers fast due to a majority being limited on food. While I was returning from a death I witnessed CY fallen in outside the neck, and was killed by them while trying to return. From what I understand, CY did not otherwise enter the fight.
From here, I called a Fall in for all returners on me at Edgeville bank. I set out as quickly as possible, originally with 8 people. We hurried up to SC, where we picked up a few more people, and eventually gathered 20. I quickly charged into chaos altar, where DP seemed to be caught off guard. There appeared to be a small group preparing to leave, with some other scattered in the temple.
Malice starting: 20 (not including returners)
Destructive Pures starting: 20/21
Calamity starting: 19-24 (needs confirmed)
Malice started out conservatively in the bottleneck, slowly pushing DP back into the temple. We had about cut their numbers in half, when they had a decent size group return to even the fight. They began to push us out of the altar, so we called a quick shift in Mumble and regrouped the clan inside the altar rather than outside. Both DP and Malice spent a moment to fall in, then began the fight again in the bottleneck.
Cy had showed up at this point, and engaged whoever attacked them. For the most part we ignored them and they eventually left. Malice continued a long push against DP, and eventually burst through their last remaining line and scattered their members up towards BH and clan wars. Malice called a quick fall in and went to bank at FoG.
Malice ending: 26
Destructive Pures ending: 5ish (got away)
Calamity ending: 19-24
As is traditional with the ending of Malice trips, we take our final opts and go deep to PK mains. We killed off all the mains that we could attack, and got some decent loot to make up for a bit of our personal losses today. Here are a few pictures:
I'd like to congratulate all the clans involved for the clean, flame free fights. B)