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Everything posted by badger

  1. badger

    the king returns

    taylor swift avatar, not `pure tsk tsk.
  2. **** yeah twitter, you guys should actually use it though.
  3. nearly every clan accepts 30 def and MM fights them on even numbers and through superior leading and organization we win many of the fights. excuse me, your hyper-inflated ego is showing. keep it in your pants and 40 defence will never be pure, neither will 30 nor 20 nor 10. 1-4 is pure, nothing more.
  4. i've never seen eop return like we did. we were down to like 15 people in the tlp AND mm fights, but our returning literally brought it back. thanks for the fights, especially tlp, that **** was intense :D
  5. amazing trip, best in ages. so much fun, <3 you guys
  6. waaaaah we had to wear different capes good god, stop lol
  7. `pure deleted the last one, you guys just won't quit LOL.
  8. clan cloaks favor those who aren't pure with high defence and attack and prayer. theres no argument to that so yeah.
  9. i joined my clan because i met a lot of cool people who were all in that clan. don't regret it at all.
  10. i want foe to win i know mm will win gl to both though.
  11. It makes complete sense. Pretty much the only time you were #1 was when zybez put EOP as #50 on the main clan top clans list. dude i've been around since 06 and that's probably the most insignificant part of eop's history. hell i don't even remember that funny read though, badger approved :thumbsup:
  12. Kings of f2p and p2p nice ownage
  13. All pizza, you can glitch-eat 18 health, shouldn't even need swordfish because they're less efficient
  14. open your eyes your eyes are open
  15. good job FOE, finally back on top <3
  16. looks like foe will be the #1 this summer back to how things should be, gj guys
  17. that they were nh, that was about it i bet they got more loot than all of you
  18. What program are you using? Sounds good, btw.
  19. you guys are so good i put my genitals in a chastity belt wat
  20. herd u like dik

    YEAH ***** COME AT ME

    solo queen

  21. quit while your behind ummmm. Hard one, I just wanna keep going! I dunno why I just can't stop. I really really like to do this. blah blah blah :thumbsup: it's like watching a kitten with yarn
  22. thought it was gonna be a boring trip turned out to be the funnest in months
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