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Everything posted by badger

  1. Anybody can post here. You're just making yourself look immature. omni actually locked a topic a while back that was like TT vs TR or something because he said it's pure warfare, so obviously not and pure clans fight the way they do because that's the most efficient way to fight as a pure, we can't tank.
  2. no one can say a genre of music sucks, you just dont like it discuss
  3. mm teams with hf argument is invalid
  4. Rofl you all believed it. try to post another phishing link on my clans site again and i will bruteforce your nans wheelchair. that is all Ps i love lawson EF mad cuz they can't get a spy in so they phis. Cute. yo negative mad cuz they too ***** to give EF a clean fight :D all you do is sit in singles suckin each other's ****!! so fk off kids!!! u mind linkin me your topics cuz im kinda having trouble findin em :o oh my ******* god LOL
  5. if they keep recycling the same ****** leaders no ones going anywhere its a sad fact
  6. drunk, goop, Jibs, bawb, prateek, and luke bawb prateek and luke are the best calling team evar
  7. quality over quantity glad to see you back foe <3
  8. and then we fought mm ???????????
  9. it's too bad eop and foe's ts goes offline everytime mm rushes.
  10. foe will always be the best p2p clan in my eyes, mm hasn't accomplished anything near what foe has in p2p. that's just like, my opinion, though
  11. I'm going to assume you're not American. If you had to deal with the 9/11 attacks then you would be celebrating just the same. It's a victory to us, and I'm sure most of us don't care what you think. This was personal and we're thrilled about it. This is just.. really americanish. Not giving a **** what other people think. And your own country = the best. Americans are so ignorant. Im actually suprised of the amount of people that think terrorism or atleast Al-Qaida is gone now. Its pathetic lol Yea I'm ignorant. That or I lost an uncle in the 9/11 attacks. Yes I'm going to take this personal. Yes I'm not going to care what anybody else thinks because there's always going to be the skeptics and antiamerican trolls trying to **** people off. I never said anything about our country being the best, just that it was personal for many of us and many are glad that he's dead. not worth it `pure, he's a retard and he beat franks high score
  12. doesn't show anything just shows foe crashing & eop spamming off foe. and you losing pretty badly it's okay, i'd be upset too
  13. ily prateek but it will never happen humans aren't capable of doing that, why do you think real life is so retarded too.
  14. using clan discussion topics to brag about our clan
  15. whole mm thing made it completely not worth it
  16. whoever started using irc first
  17. How is it stupid, you retard loliwis yeah, just an excuse to not suck.
  18. stop making the same damn topic
  19. yaspoutin/mouch `pure if he had a clan
  20. It's hilarious you thinking I'm not sophisticated or mature. :) i love you :3
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