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Everything posted by badger

  1. idiots will be idiots STOCK MARKET PREDICTION:price of pink hats and boots will fall
  2. seems like you got pushed out of the Clan Warfare section, that's where you normally talk about your pk trips oh wait you lost
  3. happy bday foe. first p2p ive profited from in months l0l
  4. its runescape, i aint gotta splain ****
  5. so wait, no one can post their topics? thats a bit counterproductive for "clan warfare"
  6. RIP zenith, glad you guys got to own f2p one more time
  7. we beat you for 4 weeks, then you beat us 1 week, then we didnt pk because of double xp, then we beat you so yeah, our first win in 3 months
  8. i didnt troll did i?? gratz on pulling more then ml...next week u won't have 2 week signups so cya there we didn't have 2 weeks prep, hell we didnt even have signups :X anyways, goodjob on #1
  9. cp telling th good luck what has the pure world come to gl th
  10. ivp- best speech writer bawb- best canadian vent caller. Turd age carraf plode-worst best ingame leader
  11. clan wars ct wildy cp CT vs Z+BV
  12. stunalching is around 165k xp an hour, if you kick ass at paying attention than you'll get more like 180k, so it'd be around 35-40(again depending on your concentration) hours of stunalching to bridge the ~6m xp gap.
  13. honestly, people like to see how the pure worlds doing without just reading bs before i started playing again, i would come by every week or so and check up on the pure world, and all it is is arguing about ****. would be alot better if clans could just accept a loss/win and move on with their life
  14. first and last pure clan ...that also accepts non pures
  15. as we all know 1 def is pure. 2-20 is for accidents, and 30 def is for the people who get hacked. stopped reading there
  16. killing mm for 2 straight months in epidemic despite being outleveled getting killed by mains and forum guests in epidemic
  17. <3 1.drunk 2.bawb 3.jibs 4.13th 5.goop if they could go 3 seconds without bsing each other it would be a pile of free to play rape
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