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Everything posted by badger

  1. fight at hills was fun, lost 16 people fighting 70 vs 120 rolf
  2. it's too bad you cant right click jk lol, nice
  3. not much yet, just started last night lol.
  4. so basically, heres what went down eop rushes fi at gap, fi gets cleared in about a minute eop rushes fi at lvl 18 obby, fi gets pushed south and cleared now, eops at bh stairs, fi rushes up the west stair and cp rushes up the east spamming "off cp/fi" respectively. eop focuses on hitting cp, kills the majority of them, and leaves fi with about 15-20 left and cp with 5-10. at this point eop has been returning to sc not to want to keep throwing members at a pointless return fest versus 2 clans. once at SC, cp rushes eop and promptly gets cleared. fi then rushes after cp is done, and eop moves up to bh to allow for returners. about 25 eop kill off the 30 or so fi, and when about 5-10 fi are left cp re rushes with about 30 people. after this eop hopped worlds to try to get a clean fight, fi made the mistake of logging in right near us and we hit them southeast of the green hill. fi and eop fight for about 2 minutes even options with eop clearly in the lead when cp rushes the fight, yet again spamming off fi. eop goes to bank and gets ready to go back out, and rush chaos altar where fi is. fi gets cleaned pretty hard here, with about 10-15 left versus 25 eop, when surprise surprise cp rushes. we hold the back of the altar with about 25 people for a good 5 minutes but the numbers of like 50 cp+fi versus our 25 was just too much. we regroup at edge bank, and head back out, re rushing some stragglers from fi and cp and killing probably 10-15. at this point fi and cp are nowhere to be seen in the wilderness and we hightail it out. at no point in 2 and a half hours of returning and fighting 70-80 CI members did EoP back down, with only 35-40 people. what i dont understand is why didnt cp and fi just fallin on each other. seemed to me like as soon as one of you started losing the other came to the rescue.
  5. make a staking forum dedicated to staking strategies/galleries, its a whole different world than pking lol
  6. lol Ivp, used to read your speeches while killing ogres :wub: massive screenshots incoming, will edit.
  7. the only clan i consider to be #1 f2p without help from anyone but epidemic epidemic forever
  8. since when did you become so gay aaron try cp if you want a laid back clan
  9. bh crater was high end low end was all of it
  10. life story was by rage, not me love. I remember it lol looking at several clans right now, thanks for the replies m8's
  11. only if you've completed summers end, which has a 55 prayer req. so real pures won't be able to
  12. greetings, I'm looking for a clan. Preferably f2p based with good to amazing f2p organization and solid leadership willing to train if you can convince me that your clan is right for me
  13. tryhard of the century f2p 1.mm 2.eop 3.cp 4.foe 5.tlp
  14. itt: cp and fi flaming eop eop fanboys crying umad
  15. for the record i actually like this one
  16. you must be the biggest fanboy to walk to earth good job tlp
  17. finally i could get an interview with duval
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