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Everything posted by badger

  1. thanks for all the loot at BHB, 8 kills 2 deaths 8)
  2. join cp you were with us in old BH, you should join us again <3
  3. such an action packed trip, flavor of the month doing work
  4. ...wat? Saturday 1.CP- Came out on top in every cluster and fight. 2.FOE -Did good, lost to CP down 5 at the end. 3.MM -You guys are getting the short end of the stick, I'm sure you'll be back up on top soon. 4.Z/EOP-If CH hadn't of ruined that fight for Zenith, I think it would have panned out differently tbh. 5.EOP/Z- Bad pull today for EOP, performed bad in clusters though. 6.TLP- Defeated FI apparently, good job. 7.FI- Lost to TLP but would have/did defeat below. 8.CT-Welcome to the scene, pulled 40 beat some lower clans. 9.CH- Bad Saturday I guess, better luck next week. 10.MG-lol 11.EF+CV-Teamed to try and beat CT, lost. Btw, you'd be surprised how much motivation new clans get when you rank them, so lets all rank up to 10? Even if you don't give 2 ***** about it, it takes but 2 seconds to fill your flamed post with a couple more clans.
  5. congratulations on beating fi, zenith, and tlp!
  6. 2day 1.CP 2.FOE 3.MM 4.Z/Fi 5.Fi/Z 6.EOP
  7. gj to eop fighting foe 25 down and lasting so long
  8. all i can say is the pure world was trolled hard to eop and foe: 2 ez m8s
  9. The amount of money Jagex would be awarding as prizes would be negligible. The effect of giving <3M in prizes every week to 15-20 players is going to be like...0.0004% on the total economy. The effect it will have is completely negligible and not worth worrying about. If Jagex were to use this as a reason to not give out prizes, they would be stating lies. What do clans have to do with this? Why does a clan's overall strength matter at all in this? What are you talking about, lol? They have no reason other than to make their customers happy on how they choose to play their game. Jagex has every right to not support this or hand out prizes, but you never know until you try. There's tons of reasons why Jagex should support this & they would make a tiny bit more money from people renewing subscriptions if this kept the pure community alive and kicking around. It is in their better interest to support this. However it isn't a guarantee. Jagex is very awkward at handling customer relations and customer/player events. There will be no way mains are allowed into this. <20 defense. Preferably over time lowering it down to <10 defense. You basically highlighted the arbitrary reasons why this would not work. These such reasons could go either way depending on how Jagex reacts. And we won't necessarily know until there's an attempt at it. --- RWT won't be an issue though. It is going to take time and the right players to win an event. Which makes it insanely hard to predict who is going to win and who is going to be able to RWT with the money. If it is found out that they do RWT, it is easily traceable since such a small amount of players will be receiving large sums of cash like this. So you'd be shooting yourself in the foot if you tried to RWT. -- If you people don't want to read something that is valid in the potential it has to increase pure activity & help out what you are in this game, then why do you even bother come to these forums or try to immerse yourself in the community? It's pretty disgusting you do not have any level of commitment to read something like this and give input on it because you are too lazy. I honestly hope you rethink your laziness and contribute to benefiting the pure community instead of sitting back and watching us waste away. "how to revive prue activity 101" is the topic of this i just told you why it wouldn't work it doesnt take 4 paragraphs to realize this is not only a bad but impossible idea.
  10. let me tell you why that won't work/will never happen #1. Jagex learned the lesson from pvp that putting any amount of cash in the game can absoultely destroy the economy, but alot of pures with the mindset(i dont even play idgaf about the economy) have to realize that there as an entire side of this game that does. #2.Miniwars mean NOTHING towards the overall strength of a clan except who has the best members online at the time. #3.Jagex has no reason to try and revive activity for people who manipulate the system to get the best combat advantages, the only way this would be even be possible was a combat level cap. #4.in regards to #3, mains absolutely destroy pures anywhere past level 70 in F2P, and if theres a combat cap 5 level 75 pures will get rocked by 5 mains with the same organization.
  11. Did you chose your clan because they were successful? no, but they became it. because you'd fit into the community?yes because you respected them?yes or because you felt inclined to be there? kind of
  12. with the 2007 wildy update the primary focus of clans changed from going out to pk into just fighting over clans, and it just never reverted back to the old ways.
  13. some older clans i loved were Freelancers, seemed like an awesome name at the time, as well as fatality who kinda made one word names popular for pure clans. bloody brains if anyone remembers em for the weirdest name LOL
  14. hi lucky, i hope you remember me from epidemic you should check out cp, we got a bunch of ex-e including charlie and myself, and we all like it alot but if you are looking for a smaller clan clans like zenith and fi are also doing pretty well. pm me on irc if you needa chat, my name is [CP]jelly
  15. part of the problem is seemingly every clan calls the crash card when they get hit "you crashed our fight" when they arent fighting "we had a runin" well you're not in it are you?
  16. unless the DG/SS shields get a major boost in damage blocking, it wont be too much of an issue if mith/addy is only blocking like 4%, and under 60 def armours probably won't block more than 10% unless jagex is actually planning on equalizing all combat aspects lol
  17. Windows is for losers who can't use Linux. although I respect linux and people who use it, i can't imagine using an OS other than windows. lol. Great tip too :3
  18. was actually the funnest trip in my pure career how was your saturday trip?
  19. one of the funnest pk trips in my pure career no doubt, 7 kills 0 deaths and ran out of arrows more times than i would like to say fighting eop. thanks for the fights even with our vent being ddos'd and PX, because at least you still fought us(even if we had to let you hit us on login to actually get the fight)
  20. 60 honorable EOP held of 100 CP oh wait i forgot you called in Phalanx for the whole day lol Px crashed one fight at the end, killing our high levels as well as yours, so please get your information correct. Overall f2p; 1. FOE 2. MM 3. EoP 4. Flavour of the month »18:26:14« » <10[CP]badger> gf lol »18:26:18« » <10[CP]badger> whyd you call px »18:26:19« » <10[CP]badger> :x »18:26:20« » <10|Ashley> Px south bh though »18:26:21« » <10|Ashley> lol »18:26:22« » <10|Ashley> idk »18:26:23« » <10|Ashley> goop is dumb ok today 1.CP 2.EOP 3.MM/FOE 4.FOE/MM
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