Well lets look at my topic
Fight 1 - I said we ended in clan wars because of mains, CP can claim a win, i claim it as a cbf, but i stated what you have said.
Fight 2 - I said CP won
Fight 3 - I said we won
Please read the topic next time before making idiotic remarks
Telling the truth ≠ idiot remarks
I'm going to point out and comment on all the lies in this topic and then we can see who is telling the truth.
We did not leave the first fight, we lost and told our returners to quit returning to the fight and instead return to clan wars, and shortly after regrouped in our homeworld.
We were never in a 1-1 tiebreaker. We lost 2 fights in a row putting us in a 0-2 position, and then won a fight ending us with 1/2.
I wouldnt call getting attacked by 2-3 mains getting "rushed".
Complexity were not 4 minimaps away, they were inside of the altar getting prayer, and then moved to the west side.
I'm sure I missed some other ******** but I think the above proves my point.
Also, your topic sort of combined the 2nd and 3rd fight making it unclear that there was actually 3 fights.
And the funniest thing of all: Your complaining about CP having mains when I'm pretty sure you were on an account named "Pm to snipe" which just so happens to be a main itself, correct me if I'm wrong.
1) It's splitting hairs, we had people remaining on the battlefield, yes it was less than CP so one could say that they won, however we were not cleared, and thus i'm entitlted to portray the opinion i have in my topic.
2) In response to your second comment, look above
3) At the chaos altar while waiting for CP's rush we were rushed by a team of massers and mains, most in the level 80-90 bracket.
4) So you're still saying that Cx did not crash, in which case the main point of your argument is the same
5) Yes i got onto my main for the third fight to kill people like "Maxed Opts" who is 99 defence, and running around in a CP cape sniping our ranks.
If you have any further complaints with the topic, how about you pm me as i suggested earlier instead of having a ******* argument on here.
i'd just like to point out that pm to snipe is the person who MADE THIS TOPIC, clearly sniping CP members in this picture in our second fight
Yes, that would be me attacking a CP main :blush:
edit; After all the flaming and accusations of lying from CP earlier in the topic, looks like the video clearly shows us beating them in the third fight, so it looks like it is YOU that is lying.
So please take your ******** elsewhere =]
did I say we won the 3rd fight?
You put that we had a 1-1 tie in your topic, who's spewing ********.
Look at the picture, it shows you ATTACKING A KID IN MITH