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Everything posted by badger

  1. im 1 defence and intend to stay that way, but it's change or die and addy's the new mith.
  2. but we were fighting zenith most of the time ???????????????????????
  3. 2006: **** i dont even remember 2007:EOP vs FI, CP vs TH 2008:didn't play in pcl 2009:E vs MM was only a few months but fun as fok 2010:MM vs FOE
  4. today 1.MM 2.FOE/EOP 3. 4.CP 5.TLP
  5. mm-mahatma fi- even masser clans were scared of fi in 2006
  6. seeing as clans are too scared too war how else will we know what happened
  7. >green text >not an imageboard but I still love you <3 cool job bringing together some pures for an event CPR
  8. Seems like a pretty accurate list, I think we both had good fights with each other but I wouldn't say either of us completely cleared each other out of the fight without being interrupted. personally I think TLP would have been on top of us today, it just happened that we didn't get an actual fight... today 1.MM- Undisputed #1 clan, obviously 2.FOE- Good clan, not as good as MM. -gap- 3.TLP/CP- Tlp had more opts but CP definitely did great with what they had, shame that there wasn't a single fight without **** clans crashing. 4.^ 5.IR- momentum is already falling and it shows, resorting to crashing is not cool. 6.Z/CX/CH-?????
  9. badger


    although pot should by all means be legal, the gateway theory is incredibly true, in my opinion. I started out smoking pot and ended up doing alot more than that, only because I entered the world of drugs. If pot was legal there would be no gateway and it would be even harder for minors to get
  11. seeing as i was at this fight and the kid preran AND got yelled at, i highly doubt we knew your pile
  12. weekend predictions 1.FOE/MM -gap- 3.EOP -gap- 4.IR/CP 5.CP/IR
  13. g0 back to PN jk ily <3 good job FOE, I think we'll see great things from you this weekend :)
  14. TLP is obviously still a force in the pure world, GJ guys.
  15. badger

    guess wat

  16. im sorry but how the **** is foe trying to claim a win from this
  17. alot of older members of the community remember him, including myself it's sad to see someone who had so much promise both in life and personality die. RIP.
  18. f2p mm foe p2p mm foe the worst part is that I hate mm but i can still admit this
  19. sup what quests should I do before getting 60 attack
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