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Everything posted by badger

  1. ily tom <3 but i think it's kinda creepy you have a GIF of that
  2. i think with the removal of the wilderness at first, clans were forced into just fighting other clans. actually scratch that, in original bounty hunter everyone was like always pking without having to fight each other. the clan wars update made it so that clans got used to just fighting other clans and nothing else, and i think that mentality has just stuck. would be pretty sick of a clan ctually pked again
  3. was hilarious, i saw like 8 different main clans including EoS and TT
  4. the red blue is just a new retarded addition to the 15 rap threads.
  5. this needs to stop, you guys think crashing is killing the pure world, when in reality its you trying to act cool by rapping and putting it on youtube.
  6. my bad, let me rephrase that. why do my posts get deleted and locked with discussion value yet retarded raps like this stay open?
  7. why do my threads with discussion value get locked yet retards and post retarded youtube videos of themselves flaming other clans and not get locked.
  8. wow a clan that had a pk trip to pk i like your style
  9. 420 ganja kush smoke half an ounce of purp im a badass
  10. because i used to have fun here and now you guys are just all about public image
  11. GUYS guys listen guys if you lose a ******* fight, be man enough to ******* admit it. holy **** theres like 3 ******* topics a week with the same fights and everyone claiming a win, even when you OBVIOUSLY LOST. foe, this past p2p sunday you got ******* steamrolled in the first fight. i watched you motherfuckers get dropped so fast it was funny. but guess what. MM loses too, they get destroyed just as bad yet they try the same ****. I mean seriously, it's a bit retarded when your trying to turn your obvious loss into a win. your like ****** politicians who got caught smoking crack and buying prostitutes at the same time and then lying about it to try and make your public image better (this isn't directed at any specific clan, those are just examples. i hate all of you equally)
  12. my post got deleted in like 30 seconds and i still got like 4 responses rofl. love you all <3
  13. i swear to god if i see another topic about nothing ******* important except listen to your ****** little ventrilo/teamspeak recordings i'm going to ******* kill myself this is way worse than ******* crashing
  14. what the **** is going on with that account lmfao..
  15. what the **** does reightpe mean congratulations on your miniwar
  16. topic about mithlords and cp isnt being spammed my has the pure world changes
  17. this gwas **** isn't funny and anyone who uses it is now declared a ****** lunar has spoken
  18. how about they war once in f2p then once in p2p then once in f2p pvp. that way they shut the **** up about both servers and we can move on to low clans bitching about crashing
  19. *NYAAAAAAAAAH* Can't handle a furry? :(
  20. enjoy [img=http://i52.tinypic.com/2vuc0sm.png]
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