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Everything posted by badger

  1. saturday preds cp-the best -gapgapgapgap- mm-cuz they said that they pwn next saturday(even though they say that every week) -gap bigger than mm's number of mains and forum guests- e- normal weekend eop-cuz dey own foe dp
  2. clan wars ensures mm keeps their forum guests and mains in check
  4. i lol'd at members of losing clans blaming their loss on gear God job IL, i'm guessing crossing in f2p is harder than it looks
  6. yeah, but now that loot is randomized, they could make it so that untradeables don't count towards the 76k you risk. This would fix the issue as well as encourage people to risk what they need to get the 76k, since it doesn't matter if you lose 76k or 50m as long as you risked 76k.
  7. no remember the PCR list, it made a shitload of problems, and we have enough flaming as it is.
  8. eop was pulling 15's and started pulling 100's like a month and a half ago eop has only beaten foe once this week, and went 1-1 with them last week epidemic has been pulling 65+, stepped it up to 80, 90, then 100, and has beaten mm for 6 weeks still, your logic confuses me how does eop have #3 when they never fullouted foe, if thats what your standard is.
  9. i dont see your logic eop goes neck and neck with foe for a month yet overpowers them, but epidemic beast mm for 6 weeks and is #2 wat
  10. i no longer have the biggest topic... for shame... epidemic or mm
  11. apejr has a placeholder for his excuse
  12. didnt realize losing to the #1 clan when you're #4/5/6 made you bad
  13. "such a downer" people who play this game make up more retarded words daily. outclassing means to surpass in excellence esp. by a wide margin; be superior: He far outclasses the other runners in the race. dont think that says anything about organization. also, i'm pretty sure outpulling by 40 makes the person superior. keep trying though. "you're boring and stupid, please don't reply to this post."
  14. >ir member complaining about fights getting crashed
  15. no i was addressing all the idiots who think so outnumbering is outclassing, *******. maybe you've been away for a while or something, dont really care about that though. We ALL know there wont be a fullout war between MM and E, it just wont happen. epidemic is based on consistency and mm is based on pulling 80 retirees out of their ass to win a fight. epidemics used signups for like 52 weeks, moron im not bias either, seeing as im clanless and just QUIT epidemic. im stating the facts here. lastly, who the **** said i was dictating your opinion, i dont give 2 ***** about what you think because it's obviously not anything substantial. tl;dr LOL NICE 1 MATE HERES SUM LOGIC 2 HALP U UNDERSTAND
  16. whats the difference between a fullout and a saturday who gives a ****, epidemics slammed mm for the last 5 weeks, if that doesnt give the #1 f2p idk what does the fact of the matter is, epidemic is a better clan than mm in f2p. epidemic simply outclasses mm on saturdays. if mm can beat e in a fullout then why dont they declare seeing as they're #2, and better yet, why cant they get more wins on e. It's because they're not as good get your head out of your history and live in the now, you're not #1 anymore now lets see how many mm cocklickers reply
  17. Calling ******** on cause of death, you don't die at 28 from natural causes... Rip man, my inspiration to music was The Rev.
  18. fullouts dont mean **** hihi clanless
  19. badger

    Quick Cash

    you don't factor in the fact that you're maxxed you forgot to mention that you dont always get the kill theres other things in place such as people, if your the only person in a world I guarentee it will take longer to kill a drag without speccs, and if theres a bunch of people you aren't guarenteed the kill the drags wont respawn fast enough if you're killing them in 10 seconds if you time a 60 minute trip and gain 780k, I'd be believe you, otherwise, this is about 400k at best.
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