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Everything posted by badger

  1. badger


    Mhmm, then at this rate MM's gonna be pulling 30's in f2p again ;) Great job E, we've done great so far, now let's keep it up. P2P is a fun experience as well, I was actually surprised as how easy it was when I thought it was so difficult xD
  2. you'll* Good job HF, lots of clans(pures and not) steppiing up the pulls as of late.
  3. we were there for 5 minutes before you, i think you crashed us actually crashers
  4. i believe you're mistaken, kind sir
  5. isn't it ironic how foe and mm flame epidemic for crashing ONE fight when we didnt even know they were fighting, yet they continue to crash clans that are ranked much lower than them p2p 1.Foe 2.mm 3.tlp 4.e
  6. badger


    yeah i saw, we kinda hit the middle of the fight and from what i saw mm was almost cleared by the time we got there eop definately had it from what i saw lol when we hit you guys we killed a couple and i guess you regrouped at village(i saw mass of white dots north of it) and then while we were doing that foe hit us from behind, they got destroyed pretty quick and then you guys came back up spamming that so we hit you too
  7. badger


    no let me clarify there were 3 fights happening at once lmfao We hit foe from the north, we were the first clans there ect ect. We destroy foe in bh stairs and the regroup at piper so foe can't continue to snipe us from single zone we then rerush foe but to our suprise dp and tlp are fighting there instead we mop up the mess and regroup again at piper seeing as foe continued to snipe from single we see a bunch of white dots south and mm and eop are fighting right under us so we rush into them and kill both eop and mm (sorry eop spamming off e LOL) eop walks into us spamming "gratz on #1" and we start to kill them so they leave the fight. we then clean up the leftovers from corp lair to mossies and head through bh crater, where mm had ragequit the wilderness and were bs festing eachother.
  8. badger


    hi ross <3 #milkmen
  9. badger


    begone troll your presence is not welcome
  10. badger


    ok im gonna type up a serious response and just use it from now on for any person who says this We were south of your first fight after hopping around for 20 minutes trynig to find you We saw you were fighting foe, so it was too late too hit you and we left the fight 30 minutes later, we get word that mm is in our world at chaos altar. We run as fast as we can to altar to try and kill you guys, but you're already fighting foe last week, we pulled out when we heard you were fighting foe in the altar. instead of thanking us, you flamed us and said we ruined your fight anyway, due to a wall of mith running at you and killing a single person and than pulling out. this week, we hit you at altar without even knownig foe was there. once we saw foe, it was already too late seeing as how fast you guys seemingly dissapeared. So when we show courtesy we get flamed for it, and when we dont we get flamed for it. Do you really expect us to show courtesy now?
  11. badger


    we didnt even know you were fighting lol, all we know was that mm was at chaos altar seing as you hid from us for 45 minutes of course we're going to hit you
  12. badger


    I don't understand. You had a memberlist of 160 for the first half of the year...
  13. badger


  14. wtf internet rapist trying to undress us
  15. you should head back to your lair its probably getting dusty.
  17. wait we beat you two weeks ago 85 v 80 WAIT WAT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAT
  18. u told us 2 accept a fullout U R A LIAR SNAKE
  19. welcome back jib hows it goin p2p preds 1.foe/mm 3.tlp/c 5.dp/e
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