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Everything posted by badger

  1. there comes a time in every clans life where they slump a bit some times they close and some times they rebound but we all return one day its natural
  2. hey hottie i think we're gonna get warned :(
  3. some kid told me that all of mms retirees were attending and that they would hit 120+ looks like he was only 40 off, nice guess mm's gonna declare on eop to contend for #2
  4. dont bother charlie its like a month old
  5. stop posting here u sed u wud F2P Last 2 Weeks 1.E small gap 2.MM 3.Foe/Eop- Should get interesting.
  6. applicants br0 23 apps and 102 signups
  7. OH WAIT LETS RECOUNT LOLOLOLOL 1.FOE+MM+EOP- NICE TEAM HIGH FIVE. Took all 3 clans and about 10 minutes to clear e LOLOL 2.E
  8. today so far E- Another 110 pull, mms been running from us for 45 minutes gap MM-Pulled 80
  9. oh sorry than it was like 105 foe vs 105 mm at that war
  10. actually it was about 115 vs 115 and both e and mm will pull more than that today(i hope) + back then foe and mm had memberlists of 160, now e and mm will have ml's of 130. seems like more people are showing up for that preds 1.e/mm 3.foe/eop
  11. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP urdoinitrong eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  12. <3 #milkmen now owns this topic.
  13. purity cause doodle would be there REST IN PEACE DOODLE DOG FALLEN WARRIOR
  14. epidemic or you're commiting treason on #milkmen you know the rules
  15. as you can see, my foe target(who wouldnt stop hugging single, mind you) was in the world about to hit us. here, as you see New recruits had died about 5 times and ran out of retarded looking return sets. here, we regrouped with 85 people after smashing you into bh. here, we have over 90 people falled in, about to rerush foe based on the fact that my Foe target left bh. here, foe hugs single as we pick off the idiots who run in and out and get binded. we walked south in anticipation of getting foe out of single foe rerushes, getting slammed in 10 seconds and going right back into single. foe continues to hug single, we get bored and leave after this. all dem pictahs r in order k k
  16. »21:51:34« » -[uS]RuneScript- *** [ 7A. LOG ]: Recent Activity for 7Badgerafk: I killed jorliany, I killed Failed Again, I killed Ranger ltu21, I killed Bl00dy Pkz0r, I killed eynaK, I killed Wikipediia, I killed maya love me, I killed iBlooo, I killed 13th R4nger, I killed i gots gonja
  17. 47 Members: Lunar, CalvinlSh0ta, Prateek, Indio, Mobberr, Ryan-, Prohibiting, Scott, Mavric, Georgan, Dextremity, Pepe Mahat, Alex, Bob, Paranoid, `Brad`, Boulder690, Ivp, Damn Drugz, Pinkaroundme, Lucas, XpureX, Reilly, Levi, Ur B L Oo Dy, Goop, shot d0wn9, Michelle, true barraqe, Pures4lyf1, adobo, Shroom, `Alex, Storti, Mateo, Casey, ApeJr, Gotcho, Le3t, `Shay(Zulu_Beast), iiAlex, Byron, Undecided, `Troyy, Kyle, Str_I3arrage, Eat_D4rk_Bow o mii <3
  19. today 1.E-beat mm 2x and foe once gap 2.MM 3.foe-sat around bh for like 15 minutes and hugged single while one iteming :/ 4.eop-awesome saw you guys around rest idk
  20. Cp and eop will compete for #4, Malice and Fi will begin a rivalry. f2p preds 1.mm 2.e 3.foe 4.cp/eop 6.m/fi/dp
  21. spent like 6 hours pking with CP to fuel my thousands of mithril-deaths in the BH-era to come.
  22. <3 get in #milkmen you dirty boy u no ****
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