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Everything posted by badger

  1. I'm sorry, wat? I didn't get owned a bit, I was simply speculating what happened to Zo to make him the way he is.
  2. We simply posted our topic, not claiming wins but simply stating we were winning. Obviously you don't understand the concept of a game, as I can imagine you posting on this topic with furrowed brows and a large scowl equivalent to one made by **** Cheney. You've spent your entirety on this forums trying to pick a fight with whoever you can, and when the time comes, you get beaten down. Maybe you should lighten up, stop claming so much, and work more on your sarcastic, flaming/trolling attitude. EDIT: Oh look at that, I quoted you before you could change your reply. Also, from looking at this topic, Epidemics topic, and hearing multiple opinions, I think it's safe to see both clans were about equal, if not a little more towards epidemic's side.
  3. It all depends on how the clan closed and how the clan reopened. If a clan closes with a strong member base(basically a clan doing well even when it closes), then when they come back it will continue. If a clan simply fizzles out of existence, most likely it will fail.
  4. p2p preds, yo. 1. Foe 2. Tlp 3. Mm 4.Dv/C 6.Ir/E 8.DP
  5. WHY DOES IT MATTER Predictions f2p 1.Foe 2.MM 3.E 4.cp
  6. Someone didn't get the joke :devil: p2p 1.Foe 2.MM/Tlp 3.^ 4.Dv 5.C 6.Dp/Ir 7 8.E
  7. You, sir, are and idiot ^.^ F2p 1.Foe 2.MM 3.E 4.Cp 5.Tlp
  8. A CHALLENGER APPEARS The list Weekend: 1.Foe 2.Mm 3.E/Tlp 4.^ 5.Dp 6.Ir/Cp
  9. Awesome trip, looking forward to fighting MM again, I love long fights :)
  10. 1.Foe 2.MM 3.E 4.Cp 5.TLp 6.M 7.Dp/Cy 8.^ 9.Ax
  11. I would have to disagree. The thing E has that none of those other clans have is the ability to consistently pull the same amount and hold our options for 2+ hours. You can't say that just because we can't fight foe or mm doesnt mean we are on the same level as Cp, Tlp, and Dv. When was the last time any of these clans has beaten us on a Saturday pk trip? Dis weekend 1Foe 2MM 3E 4Tlp wat 5.Dp/Dv 6^ 7.Cy-Rofl saw the vid, good fight cp :x 8.Cp As far as Cy and Cp goes, I saw a vid of cp losing 3 times, even when foe crashed spamming "off cp on cy." Their excuse for losing was because foe crashed, tee hee hee.
  12. Lets keep only the necessary parts okay? Congratulations to DV, hopefully you guys will rebound because you're an amazing clan. Good try Ir,you guys did good for your number disadvantage, and hopefully you guys won't be affected negatively by the loss.
  13. glow2:lithuanians bsed me was boring
  14. all blue did was hug single untilla ll of red left.
  15. Dv obvious This is good, dv can get out of their slump <3
  16. Successfull troll. overal 1.foe/mm 2.mm/foe 3.Tlp 4.E/Fi
  17. Top clans by memberlist size 1. Cp-136 2. Foe- 132 3. Mm- 127 4. E- 103 5. Fi -95 r[]fl Actual Top clans MM Foe E Cp Fi lolwhat
  18. icwutudidthar p2p 1.Mm/Foe Foe with the edge 3.Tlp 4.fi 5. Ir/c/dv depends on the week
  19. Predictions 1.Mm 2.Foe. 3.E 4.Cp 5.Fi
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