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Everything posted by badger

  1. badger


    Does anyone really read this epidimec for the wah
  2. MM gonna be #1 overall soon, lol
  3. Next Saturday 1.MM 2.Foe Gap 3.Epidemic 4.Cp 5.Fi
  4. F2p Overall MM Foe -Gap- E Fi Cp Dv Eop Tlp-Consistency is part of an overall list
  5. Isn't it past your bedtime, I thought it was 10:00 on saturdays. 1.MM 2.Foe -Gap- 3.E 4.Fi 5.Cp
  6. Brethren, art thou angered at these proclamations?
  7. 1.MM- ******* raped everything -Gap- 2.Foe-Good fight, you guys won but it was close 3.E-Peaked at 75, lost to mm/foe but beat everyone else -gap- 4.Fi-Heard you were inviting randoms to pk with you... 5.-Cp-Peaked at like 65, did really good no one else matetrs
  8. f2p or p2p Di would win f2p, lose p2p.
  9. Low level clans live and breathe to miniwar, they don't get the bigger picture to get out of clan wars. The ones that do get raped because of level differences, and the ones that dont get raped from level differences get raped by higher clans.
  10. Members are starting to even out. Mm and Foe used to have ml's of like 170, but they've gone down alot, with lots of new people joining lower clans. I wouldn't say the gap has bridged, but rather the power has started to spread out.
  11. #lolumad Like I said, I don't see alot of you. There's only 5 worlds to fight on, and 3 of which are filled with lvl 90 masser mains. Of course fights will be crashed.
  12. Lol lists... I never make lists... 1. MM- The obvious #1 clan, can hold their own against anyone and still come out on top. Great fight at portal, I hope to see alot more near even opts. 2. Foe- People ranking E above Foe is impossible, and I definately think that Foe could beat us yesterday. 3. E- My own clan, we've consistently defeated Fatality for the last 4 weeks(which is a month), and if that isn't breaking the top 3(considering everyone ranks eop higher than us if we lose a single week) than I don't know what is. 4. Fi- Slumping hard, pulling 40ish to trips from 70 pulls a couple months ago. Definately needs to step it up or this rank will be gone. 5.Dv/Eop- Eop has had alot more consistent pulls untill this weekend, and so has Dv. Dv peaked at about 64 people, which is great, and Eop only had about 40. But Eop has been doing alot better for the last few weeks. Only time will tell. 6. ^ 7. Cp- Improved alot, finally gotten down the numbers part. Just get some levels and organization and you'll be fighting the big guys in no time. 8 Ir/Dp/M/Cy- Ir has been building it up and building it up all week, smack talking and such, only to be beaten down on Saturday. Still a good clan, but needs to chill it a bit. 9 Dp/Ir/M/Cy- Dp used to be great, pulling high 50's and low 60's, and suddenly that burst. Definately should try to improve, because the potential to move up is there. 10. M/Dp/Ir/Cy- Malice(at the disco) has been doing great for the last few weeks, and peaked at almost 50 this weekend. I would say you're the biggest candidate out of these three to move up into the top 7 soon. 11. Cy/M/Dp/Ir- Dont see much from Cy anymore, normally out with around 40. I'll give you benefit of the doubt and put you here.
  13. Ownajers owning non ownajers and being ownaj.
  14. Actually, you were scouted with 162 wildy options, which is 54, about the same as 55. Good fight regardless, you guys are definately #1.
  15. E had 59, MM had 55 :D Great job today MM, you guys are definately #1 lol.
  16. Wow that's incredibly welll scripted, I commend you for taking the time to make a dialog out of an away script XD
  17. Cp, always funny guys and cool killing alien seekers. Gotta love em.
  18. A 360 degree turn would turn you in the same direction you started off on, meaning you see it, do a spin, and pick it up.
  19. You know why they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you turn 360 degrees and walk forward and pick it up.
  20. Wow I really don't like that stock. Any alternatives?
  21. Congratz Fatality Runescape Pure Clan.
  22. Didn't you flame us last time we went into p2p? l0l Gj e, I didn't die except for 3rd round XD
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