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Everything posted by badger

  1. Obviously, both of these clans have idiots and morons in other clans are posting on this. Who the **** cares who won? Pk for fun, not to beat a single clan just because they posted a couple of troll youtube videos. (CY won btw, it's obvious rafl.
  2. badger

    Troll Successful

    i didnt think anyone would get this mad no u.
  3. badger

    Troll Successful

    shameless salf bamp
  4. It's good, but the C4d's feel really cramped up on the left side.
  5. Epidemic is 80+ requirenments, if you're willing to train up to 80+, I would definately suggest them. If not, Cp would probably be your best choice.
  6. badger

    Troll Successful

    ITT: Newfag ARP members get trolled
  7. badger

    Troll Successful

    You have chosen to ignore all posts from: Null. · View this post · Un-ignore Null not interested sorry IDIT
  8. badger

    Troll Successful

    You have chosen to ignore all posts from: Dim. · View this post · Un-ignore Dim not interested SODDY
  9. badger

    Troll Successful

    In just 2 days, I have managed to troll every ARP member into ignoring me. I consider this a big advancement in the social aspect of these forums, and I will continue to **** them off in any way possible. TL;DR TROLL SUCCESSFUL. GOOD FIGHT GAYRP thanks phill ;)
  10. badger

    It's time

    its a 3 part combo
  11. badger


    Your the one who takes up the ass, you're the uke! ARP IS THE UKE
  12. badger


    At least I'm not the Uke! :lol:
  13. badger


    You can be the Uke x3
  14. badger


    Kawaii no Desu x3 Pierz is my WAIFU <3
  15. badger


    You should go on Encyclepedia Dramattica more often and learn moar of what you're saying x3
  16. http://www.pure-warfare.com/index.php?show...amp;#entry19680 http://www.pure-warfare.com/index.php?show...amp;#entry19679 Samefag
  17. badger


    4chan isn't generalized to /b/ *******. Not gonna bother with your troll, enjoy your kiddie troll group okay :) I don't go to /b/ either, I'm an /x/phile. tl;dr You are an idiot newfag ;D
  18. badger


    there is no /i/ IDIT
  19. badger


    Lurk moar
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